

N. Tadic, A. Dervic, M. Erceg, H. Zimmermann:
"A 40 μW-30 mW generated power, 280 Ω-1.68 kΩ load resistance CMOS controllable constant-power source for thermally-based sensor applications";
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 5 (2020), 23 S.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
A controllable constant-power source in 0.35 lm CMOS technology is presented in this paper. It is based on the resistive
mirror method, and suitable for thermally-based sensor applications. Two versions have been developed and fabricated: a
high-voltage design with a single supply of 10 V, and a low-voltage design with a single supply of 3.6 V. The measuredresults for the high voltage (low voltage) design are the following: a generated power dynamic range of 57.5 dB (52.4 dB),a load resistance dynamic range of 15.6 dB (12 dB), a voltage efficieny of 0.7 (0.61), and a relative error of the generatedpower less than 1.8% (1.8%). The temperature compensation of the controllable constant-power source has been performed
for the temperature range 0 ℃ ≤ T ≤ 50 ℃. The stability test has been carried out using a resistive load in pulse mode
operation confiring that the stability of the proposed controllable constant-power source is not dependent on either the
load resistance or the generated power.

Constant-power source, Generated power dynamic range, Load resistance dynamic range, Operational amplifier, Resitive mirror, Thermal-based sensor

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