
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

F. Galler, D. Neunteufel, H. Arthaber:
"Complex-Valued Delta RCS Simulation of RFIDTags for Time of Flight Ranging Performance Assessment";
Vortrag: IEEE RFID-TA 2019, Pisa, Italy; 25.09.2019 - 27.09.2019; in: "2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA)", (2019), ISBN: 978-1-7281-0589-5; S. 285 - 290.

Kurzfassung englisch:
For the characterization of a backscatter based radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, delta radar cross section (∆RCS) measurements are commonly used. While the magnitude of the ∆RCS is sufficient for describing basic performance parameters, the evaluation of the accuracy of broadband time-of-flight (ToF) ranging methods requires knowledge of the complex-valued frequency response. This paper introduces an efficient simulation method of the complex-valued ∆RCS and compares the results to measurements performed in an anechoic chamber. Two tags, a regular ultra high frequency (UHF) tag and a UHF EPC Gen2 compliant dual band tag which allows for ranging in the 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band, are investigated. The complex-valued ∆RCS results are subsequently used to analyze the resulting ranging error of a ToF ranging method.

Radar Cross-Section, Radio-Frequency Identifi-cation (RFID), EM-Simulation, Localization, Ranging.

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