
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

A. Wendt, M. Götzinger, T. Sauter:
"An Agent-Based Framework for Complex Networks";
in: "Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2019", herausgegeben von: Springer; Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Switzerland, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-19822-0, S. 559 - 570.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A large number of research and industrial projects could benefit from a module-based development. However, these modules and the communication between them may vary from project to project. Therefore, a general middleware instead of several specialized middlewares for each domain is desired. This paper presents the ACONA Framework (Agent-based Complex Network Architecture). It is an agent-based middleware with a lightweight and flexible infrastructure. Also, it offers the possibility of evolutionary programming. Its performance is demonstrated in three applications: (i) A cognitive architecture with around 40 interconnected modules; (ii) a stock market simulator with elements of evolutionary programming; and (iii) an industry 4.0 application of a conveyor belt.

Multi-Agent System, ACONA, Middleware, Communication, Industry 4.0, Interoperability, Distributed Application Platform, Internet of Things, Self-adaption, MQTT

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