
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

M. Stefan, F. Kupzog, O. Jung, M. Bartonek, W. Hauer, K. Askan, N. Prüggler, W. Prüggler, S. Kollmann, S. Wilker, M. Meisel, A. Wendt, L. Fotiadis, G. Kienesberger, J. Böhm, P. Zeller, A. Moreno, K. Hamad, S. Hutterer:
"iniGrid - Integration of Innovative Distributed Sensors and Actuators in Smart Grids";
Bericht für Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG); Berichts-Nr. 845018, 2018; 69 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
iniGrid will innovate the way electric energy is brought to end-use equipment by providing new sensor and actuator technology for actively managed and fault-protected distribution grids.
Essential future functionalities such as dynamic management of line use as well as fault detection and fast service restoration are only possible with appropriate sensors and actuators in place. These sensors and actuators are missing today on the distribution level of a power grid.

This shortcoming will be addressed by iniGrid with the development of new semiconductor-based components which are aimed for commercial and grid applications, alongside the necessary IT and secure networking concepts.

Smart Breaker, Air-insulated medium voltage sensor, sensors, smart grid

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