Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
N. Leder, B. Pichler, T. Faseth, G. Magerl, H. Arthaber:
"Compacting Look-Up-Table Models for All-Digital RF-Transmitters";
Vortrag: IEEE Radio 2017,
Cape Town, South Africa;
- 28.09.2017; in: "IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean",
2 S.
Kurzfassung englisch:
Look-up table (LUT) models have been demonstrated to work well for predicting waveforms in circuits that show memory induced, nonlinear behavior. Although, for circuits with deep memory, the models become impractically complex. This work addresses that issue by purposing a method to reduce the memory demand of such models. It is accomplished by grouping model entries according to their dependency on prior symombols within the model's memory depth and combining nodes if this dependency is found negligible.
nonlinear device modeling, nonlinear effects of modulated power amplifiers, transmit/receive microwave units, digital circuits at GHz speeds, all-digital RF transmitter
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