

C. Brandstätter, M. Fittner:
"Enabling smart navigation by incorporating human inspired evaluation of route sections";
Journal of Computers, 13 (2018), 2; S. 187 - 193.

Kurzfassung englisch:
It is challenging for every child not becoming lost in the shopping center. Simulated agents have the same problem. So they need some localization. On the basis of the existing cognitive architecture in th project Simulation of Mental Apparatus and Applications (SiMA) at the Institute of Computer Technology (ICT) currently, we show, how cognitive architectures can get extended by location awareness and navigation in a human-like way. This paper deals with particular requirements for the used data structures to enable self-localization and pathfinding in a bionically inspired way. The typical data structure for navigation in the form of a connected graph gets modified and extended to be compatible with psychoanalytic concepts and still allow navigation. The functionality was implemented exemplary in a multiagent simulation.

Artificial General Intelligence, Artificial Recognition System, Cognitive Architectures, Cognitive Automation, Landmarks, Localization, Navigation, Psychoanalytically Inspired AI, Software Agents

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