Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
M. K. Müller, M. Taranetz, M. Rupp:
"Effects of Wall-Angle Distributions in Indoor Wireless Communications";
Poster: SPAWC 2016 - The 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications,
- 07-06-2016; in: "Proceedings of SPAWC 2016 - The 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications",
English abstract:
Providing broadband wireless access in indoor sce-
narios with multiple indoor transmitters is largely influenced
by the blockage of the signals by walls. In this paper, we
propose a mathematically tractable approach that relies on
stochastic geometry for the distribution of walls in randomly
generated scenarios, and investigates on the influence of different
distributions of wall orientation angles as well as the influence of
the transmitter arrangements. We outline the limited insights that
can be obtained by random shape theory and propose the concept
of effective wall attenuations to compensate for the remaining
deviation from the actual results. The validity of our approach
is verified by extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
Blockages, Small Cells, Indoor Communications
Electronic version of the publication:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.