
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

E. Zöchmann, S. Caban, M. Lerch, M. Rupp:
"Resolving the Angular Profile of 60 GHz Wireless Channels by Delay-Doppler Measurements";
Talk: IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 07-10-2016 - 07-13-2016; in: "Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop", (2016), 1 - 5.

English abstract:
Previous channel measurement campaigns in millimetre wave
bands were mostly focussing on time invariant channels of static
environments. Highly directive antennas were swept in azimuth
and elevation angle to extract the angular profile of the doubledirectional
radio channel. This angular profile is also visual in the
Doppler domain. Therefore, contrary to common Doppler modelling,
close scattering objects have to be taken into account. In
this paper, a methodology for repeatable estimation of the angular
profile through delay-Doppler measurements is proposed. Repeatable
measurements of the static scenario allow for 1) optimization
of the probing signals to reduce the geometrical effects and 2) disambiguation
of the angular estimates through different measurement

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