
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. K. Müller, M. Taranetz, M. Rupp:
"Providing Current and Future Cellular Services to High Speed Trains";
IEEE Communications Magazine, 10 (2015), 96 - 101.

English abstract:
The demand for a broadband wireless connec-
tion is nowadays no longer limited to stationary sit-
uations, but also required while traveling.
Therefore, there exist combined efforts to also
provide wireless access on high speed trains
(HSTs), in order to add to the attractiveness of this
means of transportation. Installing an additional
relay on the train, to facilitate communication, is
an approach that has already been extensively dis-
cussed in the literature. The possibility of a direct
communication between the base station and the
passenger has been neglected until now, despite it
having numerous advantages. Therefore, a com-
parison between these two opposing approaches is
presented in this article, accompanied by a detailed
discussion of the related aspects. Additionally, we
present simulation results for the two approaches
when applying different schemes to supply a wire-
less connection. We also discuss the presented
results from the perspectives of mobile operators
and train operators.

Railway Communication, High Speed Trains, Remote Units, Relays, network planning, LTE-Advanced, 5G, High Mobility, handover, channel modeling

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