H. Arthaber:
"Method and system for locating objects";
Patent: USA,
Nr. Us20140253296 A1;
eingereicht: 11.09.2014.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The invention relates to a method for locating an RFID tag using at least one RFID reading device. The invention is characterized in that the RFID reading device transmits a query signal which comprises a broadband signal; the RFID tag modulates the query signal with a code signal by varying the antenna impedance of the RFID tag and reflects said signal as a reflected signal; the RFID reading device receives the reflected signal and obtains the code signal and a scattered broadband signal from the reflected signal; the RFID reading device determines a travel time of the broadband signal by comparing the broadband signal with the scattered broadband signal; the RFID reading device determines the distance between the RFID reading device and the RFID tag from the travel time difference.
Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.