
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Lasser, D. Löschenbrand, C. Mecklenbräuker:
"Near Field Scans of Tyre mounted Dipoles using a separate Phase Reference Antenna";
Talk: IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications(APWC), Palm Beach, Aruba; 08-03-2014 - 08-08-2014; in: "2014 IEEE-APC Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)", Selene Srl, (2014), ISBN: 978-1-4673-5690-9; 4 pages.

English abstract:
This paper reports on near field measurements of dipole antennas mounted inside a wheel for advanced tyre monitoring applications based on UHF RFID technology. We propose, implement and validate a near field measurement technique which avoids the need for any error prone feed cable. This technique is then used for measuring the patterns of two different dipole antennas attached to the inner surface of a tyre in four mounting configurations. Finally, the measured antenna patterns are discussed, as well as their implications for the channel characteristics when these dipoles are used.

RFID TPMS ATMS Antenna near field

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.