Publications in Scientific Journals:
F. Xaver, P. Gerstoft, G. Matz, C. Mecklenbräuker:
"Analytic Sequential Weiss-Weinstein Bounds";
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
- 5062.
English abstract:
In this paper, we explore a sequential Bayesian bound for state-space models focusing on hybrid continuous and discrete random states. We provide an analytic recursion for the sequential Weiss-Weinstein (SWW) bound for linear state-space models with solutions for Gaussian, uniform, and exponential distributions as derived, as well as for a combination of these. We compare the SWW bound for discretized states with the corresponding bound for the continuous states. The SWW bound is contrasted with the sequential Cramér-Rao bound for Gaussian distributions. Practical issues of SWW bounds are discussed and numerical simulation results provide insights into their behavior.
"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.