

H. Arthaber:
"Method and Apparatus for Measuring Signal Phase Shifts";
Patent: Europa, USA, Nr. Ep2261686, Us8335247; eingereicht: 29.05.2009, erteilt: 02.02.2011.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The invention relates to a method for measuring the phase shift (Õ) between a first and a second signal, comprising the steps of shifting the first signal (u 1 ) in frequency by an offset frequency (f 0 ), superposing the frequency-shifted first signal and the second signal (u 2 ), determining an envelope signal (w) of the superposed signal (v), and measuring the phase of the envelope signal (w) at the offset frequency (f 0 ), or a multiple thereof, with respect to the phase of the offset frequency (f 0 ). The invention further relates to an apparatus (1) implementing the method.

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