Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
J. Kaitovic, M. Simko, R. Langwieser, M. Rupp:
"Channel Estimation in Tag Collision Scenarios";
Talk: 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID IEEE RFID 2012,
Orlando, Florida (USA);
- 04-05-2012; in: "Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on RFID",
ISBN: 978-1-4673-0326-2;
74 pages.
English abstract:
Multiple tags in Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) systems are scheduled by a medium access control layer
using the Framed Slotted Aloha (FSA) or binary tree protocol.
The focus of our research is on FSA and passive Ultra High
Frequency (UHF) RFID. In current standards, only one tag
can be acknowledged per slot. In this work we propose the
increase of the theoretical throughput of FSA RFID systems
with multiple antennas for physical layer collision recovery by acknowledging
two tags per slot. The expected throughput increase
is approximately 5.03 times the throughput of a conventional
reader. In order to profit of such increase we propose a method
for channel estimation with a modified tag response, a so-called
"postpreamble". The influence of the channel estimation on the
performance is investigated through simulations.
Related Projects:
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Christian Doppler Lab "Funktechnologien für nachhaltige Mobilität"
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.