Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
M. Simko, D. Wu, C. Mehlführer, J. Eilert, D. Liu:
"Implementation Aspects of Channel Estimation for 3GPP LTE Terminals";
Talk: European Wireless 2011,
- 04-29-2011; in: "Proc. European Wireless 2011",
5 pages.
English abstract:
In this paper, hardware implementation aspects of the channel estimator in 3GPP LTE terminals are investigated. A channel estimation ASIC, which handles the real-time channel estimation, is presented. Compared to traditional correlator-based channel estimators, the channel estimator presented boosts the throughput at feasible silicon cost by adopting a recently proposed estimation method named Approximate Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (ALMMSE). In this paper, both the architecture and VLSI implementation of the estimator are elaborated. Implemented using a 65 nm CMOS process, the channel estimator supports the full 20 MHz bandwidth of 3GPP LTE and consumes only 49 kgates.
Electronic version of the publication:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.