
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Kaniak, H. Schweinzer:
"An Overview on Ultrasonic Object Localization in Air";
Vortrag: EAA - EuroRegio, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 15.09.2010 - 18.09.2010; in: "1stEAA - EuroRegio 2010, Congress on Sound and Vibration", G. Kaniak, H. Schweinzer (Hrg.); (2010), ISBN: 978-961-269-283-4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Ultrasonic object localization in air has been a field of research for the last two to three decades, especially in the field of robotic environment perception. an important motivation is the cost effectiveness and the advantage compared to optical systems under certain conditions as dust, smoke or darkness.
The aim of this paper is to discuss different approaches for the echolocation of objects in 2D and 3D known from literature. The discussed methods include variations of the classic pulse echo distance estimation, continuous transmission frequency modulation (CTFM) as well as receiver array imaging. Also binaural sensor setups inspired by the echolocation system of bats and other designs like the 'vector sensor' or robot sonar rings are explained.

The sensor designs are compared with respect to their field of application as indoor/outdoor environments, specular or non specular surfaces.
As the most important single factor in ultrasound echolocation, different signal processing methods for echo detection are sidcussed ranging from simple trigger level detection to correlation and the use of a matched filter.
Finally an outlook is given on recent developments in ultrasonic echolocation and map building including a brief look at newly developed transducer and receiver technologies enhancing ultrasonic measurements.

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