
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

D. Silveira, M. Gadringer, P. Gilabert, G. Montoro, Y. Lei, E. Srinidhi, E. Lima, V. Camarchia, M. Pirola, G. Magerl, E. Bertran, A. Goacher, M. O´Droma, G. Kompa, S. Donati:
"Comparison of RF Power Amplifier Behavioural Models Estimated from Shared Measurement Data";
Vortrag: Target Days (TARGET), Frascati, Italy; 16.10.2006 - 18.10.2006; in: "Target Days 2006, Book of Proceedings", (2006), ISBN: 3-902477-07-5; S. 129 - 132.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This article presents a comparison of six different RF power amplifier behavioural modelling techniques. Measurements of a power amplifier were used by five different TARGET research groups to extract behavioural models and compare results obtained from these models with actual measured results. Five models were ones with memory and one was memoryless. The models were (i) Wiener model using pseudo-inverse techniques, (ii) Hammerstein model, (iii) modifies parallel cascade Hammerstein model, (iv) multi-layered time delay neural network, (v) a nonlinear auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) model, and (vi) complex Bessel-Fourier series memoryless model. The work was undertaken as a joint investigation project in the TARGET workpackage on power amplifier modeling, WP2.2.E.2/JIP3. this paper will present the structure of the collaboration among TARGET partners, how the measurements were done, the final comparison results, and initial conclusions about this study.

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