
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Gadringer, D. Silveira, G. Magerl:
"Dynamic Nonlinear Model of a Cancelation Loop with Application to the Feedforward Linearization Technique";
Poster: European Microwave Conference, Manchester, UK; 10.09.2006 - 15.09.2006; in: "Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference", Horizon House, (2006), ISBN: 2-9600551-6-0; S. 1173 - 1176.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In most publications on the behavior of the cancelation loops within a feedforward amplifier (FFA) the use of frequency independent nonlinear amplifiers was assumed. The only frequency dependent effect treated in detail was a time delay mismatch occurred within these loops. This paper discusses the balancing of a cancelation loop (CL) in the presence of a dynamic nonlinear (DN) device. Using this result the behavior of this structure is analyzed and the decomposition of the residual output signal is performed. A comparison of the major contributors to this output signal is presented and steps for a further reduction of the residual signal power are discussed.

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