Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
H. Elmer, H. Schweinzer:
"Ultrasonic Distance Measurement System with a Well Defined and Adjustable Detection Area";
Vortrag: 3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors 2004),
Wien, Österreich;
- 27.10.2004; in: "3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors 2004",
ISBN: 0-7803-8693-0;
S. 437
- 440.
Kurzfassung englisch:
One major problem of ultrasonic distance measurement is the strongly object dependent detection ranges: objects providing strong echoes (e.g. well aligned planes) can be detected in a much wider distance than "small objects" reflecting only a fractional amount of the incoming sound energy (e.g. edges). In conventional sensor constructions not only the maximum measurable distance along the sensor axis varies, but also the field of detection where measurement values are delivered. As a consequence the decision if an object is located inside or outside a defined area is hardly possible without a priori knowledge of the object´s reflection properties. This work presents a measurement principle that provides a well defined and object independent detection area that moreover can be dynamically adjusted to achieve high resolution for algorithmus based on contact-less ultrasonic "touching" of objects.
Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.