
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

H. Elmer, H. Schweinzer:
"Dependency of Correlative Ultrasonic Measurement upon Transducer's Orientation";
in: "Second IEEE Internationl Conference on Sensors", herausgegeben von: IEEE Senors Council; Second IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Toronto, Canada, 2003, ISBN: 0-7803-8134-3, S. 1 - 6.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The pulse compression method adds several improvements to ultrasonic sistance measurement systems. Especially in conjunction with the one bit correlation method, which eliminates the amplitude influence and offers reas time possibilities sveral advanced applications become possible. After a survey of several measurement variants the influence of the orientation of a piston medeled transducer is examined to realize two most attractive cases. At last some measurements on real transducers are presented to verify the supposed model of the piston membrane.

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