
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Mayer, D. Smely, R. Hornstein, N. Jozefiak, G. Magerl:
"RF Power Transistor Characterization Considering Self Heating Effects";
Vortrag: Informationstagung Mikroelektronik (ME), Wien; 10.10.2001 - 11.10.2001; in: "Beiträge der Informationstagung ME 01", D. Donhoffer, G. Fiedler (Hrg.); Eigenverlag des Österreichischen Verbandes für Elektrotechnik, 26 (2001), ISBN: 3-85133-022-6; S. 171 - 176.

Kurzfassung englisch:
For the systematic design of highly efficient and linear power amplifiers, based on computer simulations, it is necessary to accurately know the nonlinear behavior of the used transistor at large signal excitation to develop the according computer model. Due to selfheating effects of high power transistors many model parameters change their values in a wide range. In this article a measurement system for thermal characterization is presented. The results of the measurements will be used to include heating effects to the transistor model. This improves the results of computer circuit simulation.

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.