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Publikationsliste für Angehörige von
E354 - Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering
als Autorinnen / Autoren bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Personen
2020 - 2020

30 Datensätze


  1. Autor/innen: Niksa Tadic, E354-02; Alija Dervic, E354-02; Milena Erceg; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    N. Tadic, A. Dervic, M. Erceg, H. Zimmermann:
    "A 40 μW-30 mW generated power, 280 Ω-1.68 kΩ load resistance CMOS controllable constant-power source for thermally-based sensor applications";
    Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 5 (2020), 23 S.

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  2. Autor/innen: Marko Vlaskovic, ams AG; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02; Gerald Meinhardt, ams AG; Jochen Kraft, ams AG

    M. Vlaskovic, H. Zimmermann, G. Meinhardt, J. Kraft:
    "Image sensor for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography on a chip";
    Electronics Letters, Vol. 56 (2020), No. 24; S. 1306 - 1309.

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  3. Autor/innen: Jelena Radic, University Novi Sad; Miodrag Brkic; Alena Djugova, University Novi Sad; Mirjana Videnovic-Misic, University Novi Sad; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    J. Radic, M. Brkic, A. Djugova, M. Videnovic-Misic, B. Goll, H. Zimmermann:
    "Area and Power Efficien 3-8.8-GHz IR-UWBTransmitter With Spectrum Tunability";
    IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 30 (2020), No. 1; S. 39 - 42.

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  4. Autor/innen: Jelena Radic, University Novi Sad; Miodrag Brkic; Alena Djugova, University Novi Sad; Mirjana Videnovic-Misic, University Novi Sad; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    J. Radic, M. Brkic, A. Djugova, M. Videnovic-Misic, B. Goll, H. Zimmermann:
    "Ultra-low power low-complexity 3-7.5 GHz IR-UBW transmitter with spectrum tunability";
    IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, Vol. 14 (2020), No. 4; S. 521 - 527.

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  5. Autor/innen: Tomas Mikulasek, Brno University ...; Jan Puskely; Alexander G. Yarovoy, Delft University ...; Jaroslav Lacik, Brno University ...; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    T. Mikulasek, J. Puskely, A. Yarovoy, J. Lacik, H. Arthaber:
    "Transverse slot with control of amplitude and phase for travelling-wave SIW antenna arrays";
    IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 14 (2020), Iss. 15; S. 1943 - 1946.

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  6. Autor/innen: Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Bernhard Steindl, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    B. Goll, B. Steindl, H. Zimmermann:
    "Avalanche Transients of Thick 0.35 m CMOS Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes";
    Micromachines, Vol. 11 (2020), No. 9; 14 S.

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  7. Autor/innen: Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Bernhard Steindl, E354-02; Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    M. Hofbauer, B. Steindl, K. Schneider-Hornstein, H. Zimmermann:
    "Performance of high-voltage CMOS single-photon avalanche diodes with and without well-modulation technique";
    Optical Engineering, Vol. 59 (2020), No. 4; S. 040502-1 - 040502-8.

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  8. Autor/innen: Marko Vlaskovic, ams AG; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02; Gerald Meinhardt, ams AG; Jochen Kraft, ams AG

    M. Vlaskovic, H. Zimmermann, G. Meinhardt, J. Kraft:
    "PIN photodiode-based active pixel for a near-infrared imaging application in 0.35-μm CMOS";
    Optical Engineering, Vol. 59 (2020), No. 7; 6 S.

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  9. Autor/innen: Alessandro Messa, Scuola Superiore ...; Giulio Cossu, Scuola Superiore ...; Marco Presi, Aerospazio Techn ...; Stefan Schidl, E354-02; Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02; Ernesto Ciaramella, Scuola Superiore ...

    A. Messa, G. Cossu, M. Presi, S. Schidl, K. Schneider-Hornstein, H. Zimmermann, E. Ciaramella:
    "Detecting WDM visible light signals by a singlemulti-color photodiode with MIMO processing";
    Optics Letters, Vol. 45 (2020), No. 5; S. 1160 - 1163.

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  10. Autor/innen: Alija Dervic, E354-02; Niksa Tadic, E354-02; Hiwa Mahmoudi, E354-02; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    A. Dervic, N. Tadic, H. Mahmoudi, B. Goll, M. Hofbauer, H. Zimmermann:
    "Single-pixel postprocessing-free 5 Mbps quantumrandom number generator using a single-photon avalanche diode detector and a T/(T − t) pulse-shaped laser driver";
    SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 59 (2020), No. 12; 10 S.

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  11. Autor/innen: Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Bernhard Steindl, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    M. Hofbauer, B. Steindl, H. Zimmermann:
    "Fully integrated optical receiver using single-photonavalanche diodes in high-voltage CMOS";
    SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 59 (2020), No. 7; 6 S.

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Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

  1. Autor/innen: Mladen Pesic, E354-01; Walther Pachler; Stephan Rampetzreiter, Infineon; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    M. Pesic, W. Pachler, S. Rampetzreiter, H. Arthaber:
    "Modeling and Design of Small, Passive, and Standard-compliant Proximity Coupling Transponders";
    Vortrag: 2020 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Orlando, Florida, USA; 28.09.2020 - 16.10.2020; in: "2020 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID)", (2020), ISBN: 978-1-7281-5576-0; 7 S.

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  2. Autor/innen: Daniel Neunteufel, E354-01; Andreas Fuchs, TU Graz; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    D. Neunteufel, A. Fuchs, H. Arthaber:
    "ToF-based Indoor Positioning for Low-power IoT Nodes";
    Vortrag: Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, California, USA; 01.11.2020 - 04.11.2020; in: "54th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers", (2020), 5 S.

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  3. Autor/innen: Martin Jungwirth, E354-02; Alija Dervic, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    M. Jungwirth, A. Dervic, H. Zimmermann:
    "Integrated High Voltage Active Quenching Circuit in 150nm CMOS Technology";
    Vortrag: Austrochip, Wien; 07.10.2020; in: "2020 Austrochip Workshop on Microelectronics", (2020), ISBN: 978-1-7281-8493-7; 4 S.

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  4. Autor/innen: Baset Mesgari, E354-02; Nemanja Vokic, E354-02; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Bernhard Pichler, E354-01; Dinka Milovancev, E354-02; Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, E354-02; Holger Arthaber, E354-01; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    B. Mesgari, N. Vokic, B. Goll, B. Pichler, D. Milovancev, K. Schneider-Hornstein, H. Arthaber, H. Zimmermann:
    "38.5 Gb/s RoF Based Optical Receiver for 5G Mobile Remote Radio Head Applications";
    Vortrag: Austrochip, Wien; 07.10.2020; in: "2020 Austrochip Workshop on Microelectronics", (2020), ISBN: 978-1-7281-8493-7; 5 S.

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  5. Autor/innen: Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, E354-02; Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Bernhard Steindl; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    K. Schneider-Hornstein, M. Hofbauer, B. Steindl, H. Zimmermann:
    "Fully Integrated Actively Quenched SPAD in 0.18µm CMOS Technology";
    Vortrag: Austrochip, Wien; 07.10.2020; in: "2020 Austrochip Workshop on Microelectronics", (2020), ISBN: 978-1-7281-8493-7; 4 S.

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  6. Autor/innen: Baset Mesgari, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    B. Mesgari, H. Zimmermann:
    "Low Noise IQ Generation Employed in an Active Vector Modulator for 5G Ka-Band Beam Forming Transceivers";
    Vortrag: CoBCom 2020, Graz; 07.07.2020 - 09.07.2020; in: "International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications", (2020), 5 S.

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  7. Autor/innen: Mladen Pesic, E354-01; Stephan Rampetzreiter, Infineon; Walther Pachler; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    M. Pesic, S. Rampetzreiter, W. Pachler, H. Arthaber:
    "Searching for the Optimal Design of Small Payment Accessories";
    Vortrag: CoBCom 2020, Graz; 07.07.2020 - 09.07.2020; in: "2020 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications (CoBCom)", (2020), 7 S.

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  8. Autor/innen: Alija Dervic, E354-02; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    A. Dervic, B. Goll, H. Zimmermann:
    "Quadruple voltage mixed quenching and active resetting circuit in 150 nm CMOS for an external SPAD";
    Vortrag: DDECS 2020, Novi Sad, Serbien; 22.04.2020 - 24.04.2020; in: "23rd Symposium on Design & Diagnotics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS)", (2020), ISBN: 978-1-7281-9938-2; 5 S.

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  9. Autor/innen: Nenad Lilic, ams AG; Robert Kappel, ams; Georg Roehrer, ams AG; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    N. Lilic, R. Kappel, G. Roehrer, H. Zimmermann:
    "Methods for the Charge Pump Power EfficienyImprovement in Triple Well Technologies";
    Vortrag: ICECS 2020, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 23.11.2020 - 25.11.2020; in: "2020 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)", (2020), 4 S.

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  10. Autor/innen: Michael Zaisberger, E354-01; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    M. Zaisberger, H. Arthaber:
    "Random Access Performance Evaluation and Improvements of the LDACS";
    Vortrag: ICTCE 2020 - The 4th International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering, Singapur; 04.12.2020 - 06.12.2020; in: "2020 The 4th International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / Springer Verlag, (2020), ISSN: 1876-1100; 10 S.

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  11. Autor/innen: Seyed Saman Kohneh Poushi, E354-02; Hiwa Mahmoudi, E354-02; Bernhard Steindl, E354-02; Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    S. S. Kohneh Poushi, H. Mahmoudi, B. Steindl, M. Hofbauer, H. Zimmermann:
    "Comprehensive Modeling of Photon DetectionProbability in CMOS-based SPADs";
    Vortrag: IEEE Conference on Sensors, Rotterdam, Netherlands; 25.10.2020 - 28.10.2020; in: "IEEE Sensors 2020", (2020), Paper-Nr. 6237, 4 S.

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  12. Autor/innen: Daniel Neunteufel, E354-01; Stefan Grebien, TU Graz; Stefan Hechenberger; Klaus Witrisal, TU Graz; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    D. Neunteufel, S. Grebien, S. Hechenberger, K. Witrisal, H. Arthaber:
    "Coherent Chirp Generation by Narrowband Transceiver Chips for ToF Indoor Localization";
    Vortrag: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Taipei, Taiwan; 07.12.2020 - 11.12.2020; in: "Communications for Human and Machine Intelligence", (2020), 6 S.

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  13. Autor/innen: Bernhard Pichler, E354-01; Holger Arthaber, E354-01

    B. Pichler, H. Arthaber:
    "Solution for the Large-Signal Matching Problem: Maximizing the Efficiency using X-parameters";
    Vortrag: INMMIC -International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Circuits, Cardiff, UK; 16.07.2020 - 17.07.2020; in: "INMMIC 2020", (2020), 3 S.

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  14. Autor/in: Michael Feiginov, E354-01

    M. Feiginov:
    "THz resonant-tunneling diodes";
    Vortrag: Spie Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies XIII, Anaheim, California; 27.04.2020 - 01.05.2020; in: "SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2020", (2020), 4 S.

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  15. Autor/innen: Hiwa Mahmoudi, E354-02; Michael Hofbauer, E354-02; Bernhard Goll, E354-02; Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, E354-02; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    H. Mahmoudi, M. Hofbauer, B. Goll, K. Schneider-Hornstein, H. Zimmermann:
    "Optical Wireless Communication with SPAD Receivers";
    Vortrag: The International SPAD Sensor Workshop (ISSW2020), Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) (eingeladen); 08.06.2020 - 10.06.2020; in: "The International SPAD Sensor Workshop", (2020), 1 S.

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Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

  1. Autor/in: Bernhard Pichler, E354-01
    Andere beteiligte Personen: Holger Arthaber, E354-01; Dominique Schreurs; Andreas Springer, JKU Linz

    B. Pichler:
    "Polyharmonic Distortion Modeling of Nonlinear RF Components";
    Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Arthaber, D. Schreurs, A. Springer; E354, 2020; Rigorosum: 09.07.2020.

  2. Autor/in: Bernhard Steindl, E354-02
    Andere beteiligte Personen: Horst Zimmermann, E354-02; Martin Gröschl, E134-01; Alois Lugstein, E362

    B. Steindl:
    "Einzelphotonen-Lawinendioden für integrierbare optische Empfänger";
    Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Zimmermann, M. Gröschl, A. Lugstein; E354, 2020; Rigorosum: 10.02.2020.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute)

  1. Autor/in: Christoph Gasser
    Andere beteiligte Person: Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    C. Gasser:
    "Empfänger mit großflächiger APD für die optische Freiraumkommunikation";
    Betreuer/in(nen): H. Zimmermann; E354, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 19.11.2020.

  2. Autor/in: Martin Jungwirth, E354-02
    Andere beteiligte Person: Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    M. Jungwirth:
    "Entwicklung einer aktiven Hochvolt Quencher-Schaltung in 0,15 μm CMOS";
    Betreuer/in(nen): H. Zimmermann; E354, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 22.01.2020.