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Publication list for
Eugenijus Kaniusas
E363 - Institute of Biomedical Electronics
as author or essentially involved person

295 records (1997 - 2022)

Books and Book Editorships

  1. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Biomedical Signals and Sensors I - Linking Physiological Phenomena and Biosignals";
    Springer-Verlag, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-24842-9.

  2. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Biomedical Signals and Sensors II - Linking Acoustic and Optic Biosignals and Biomedical Sensors";
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-662-45105-2; 217 pages.

  3. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Biomedical Signals and Sensors III - Linking Electric Biosignals and Biomedical Sensors";
    Springer-Verlag, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-319-74917-4; 610 pages.

Publications in Scientific Journals

  1. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Klaus Zeiner; Arnaud Nativel; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, K. Zeiner, A. Nativel, E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulator for closed-loop biofeedback-based operation";
    Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, May 2022 (2022), 1 - 10.

  2. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Van Hoang Le; David Philipp Enajat; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Christoph Neumayer

    J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, L. Le, D. Enajat, E. Kaniusas, C. Neumayer:
    "Clinical effectiveness of percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in chronic back pain patients - A single-centre retrospective analysis";
    Annals of Pain Medicine, 3 (2021), 1009; 1 - 7.

  3. Authors: Amine M. Samoudi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Emmeric Tanghe; J.Constantin Szeles; Luc Martens, iMinds; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    A. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. Szeles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph:
    "Sensitivity analysis of a numerical model for percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Applied Sciences, 9 (2019), 3; 1 - 14.

  4. Authors: Bernhard Hametner, E101-03; Christopher Mayer, E101-03; J Köster; J Weber; M Reppel; K Franzen; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Siegfried Wassertheurer, E101-03; K Mortensen

    B. Hametner, C. Mayer, J. Köster, J. Weber, M. Reppel, K. Franzen, E. Kaniusas, S. Wassertheurer, K. Mortensen:
    "Diurnal changes in central pressure and pulse wave parameters in healthy subjects";
    Artery Research, 16 (2016), 65.

  5. Authors: Stefan Orter; Stefan Möstl; Martin Bachler, E101-03; Fabian Hoffmann; Christopher Mayer, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Michaela Reisinger; Siegfried Wassertheurer, E101-03; Jens Tank; Bernhard Hametner, E101-03

    S. Orter, S. Möstl, M. Bachler, F. Hoffmann, C. Mayer, E. Kaniusas, M. Reisinger, S. Wassertheurer, J. Tank, B. Hametner:
    "The Progression of Left Ventricular Ejection Time in Simulated Microgravity";
    Artery Research, 26 (2020), S1; 27.

  6. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Modulation of muscle tone and sympathovagal balance in cervical dystonia using percutaneous stimulation of the auricular vagus nerve";
    Artificial Organs, 39 (2015), 10; 202 - 212.

  7. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Expected effects of auricular vagus nerve stimulation in dystonia";
    Biomedizinische Technik, 58 (2013), 1; 1 - 2.

  8. Authors: Soren Lewis; Michael Hahn; C Klein; Michael Friedrich Russold; Roman Ruff; Klaus-Peter Hoffmann; E Unger; H Lanmüller; O Aszmann; Hans Dietl; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S Lewis, M. Hahn, C. Klein, M. Russold, R. Ruff, K.P. Hoffmann, E Unger, H Lanmüller, O Aszmann, H. Dietl, E. Kaniusas:
    "Implantable silicone electrode for measurement of muscle activity: Results of first in vivo evaluation";
    Biomedizinische Technik, 58 (2013), 1.

  9. Authors: Soren Lewis; Michael Friedrich Russold; Hans Dietl; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, E. Kaniusas:
    "Satisfaction of prosthesis users with electrical hand prostheses and their suggested improvements";
    Biomedizinische Technik, 58 (2013), 1.

  10. Authors: Cosima Prahm; Korbinian Eckstein; Max Ortiz-Catalon; Georg Dorfner; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Oskar C Aszmann

    C. Prahm, K. Eckstein, M. Ortiz-Catalon, G. Dorfner, E. Kaniusas, O. Aszmann:
    "Combining two open source tools for neural computation (BioPatRec and Netlab) improves movement classification for prosthetic control";
    BMC research notes, 9(1) (2016), 429; 1 - 7.

  11. Authors: Sandra Medrano-Garcia; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Fivos Panetsos

    S. Medrano-Garcia, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Panetsos:
    "Control of physiological variables by non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation aiming at ischaemic stroke therapy";
    Brain Injury, 30 (2016), 5-6; 691 - 692.

  12. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Stefan Traxler, E363

    E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, S. Traxler:
    "Angehaltene Atmung aus physiologischer Sicht: Theorie, Experiment und Forschung";
    Caisson (invited), 31 (2016), 2; 6 - 16.

  13. Authors: Franz Fürbass; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J Koren; S Pirker; R Hopfengärtner; H Stefan; T Kluge; C Baumgartner

    F. Fürbass, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Koren, S. Pirker, R. Hopfengärtner, H. Stefan, T. Kluge, C. Baumgartner:
    "Automatic multimodal detection for long-term seizure documentation in epilepsy";
    Clinical Neurophysiology, 128 (2017), 8; 1466 - 1472.

  14. Authors: Leila Taghizadeh, E101-03; Ahmad Karimi; Benjamin Stadlbauer, E101; Wolfgang J. Weninger; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Clemens Heitzinger, E101-03

    L. Taghizadeh, A. Karimi, B. Stadlbauer, W. Weninger, E. Kaniusas, C. Heitzinger:
    "Bayesian inversion for electrical-impedance tomography in medical imaging using the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation";
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 365 (2020), 11295; 1 - 16.

  15. Authors: Stefan Böhme; Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Erik. K Hartmann; Alexander H Bentley; Oliver Weinheimer; Yang Yang; Tobias Achenbach; Michael Hagmann; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; James E Baumgardner; Klaus Markstaller

    S. Böhme, F. Toemboel, E. Hartmann, A. Bentley, O. Weinheimer, Y. Yang, T. Achenbach, M. Hagmann, E. Kaniusas, J. Baumgardner, K. Markstaller:
    "Detection of inspiratory recruitment of atelectasis by automated lung sound analysis as compared to four dimensional computed tomography in a porcine lung injury model";
    Critical Care, 22 (2018), 1; 1 - 11.

  16. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Dorian Felten; Iboja Hofmann; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, D. Felten, I. Hofmann, J. Szeles:
    "Device development guided by user satisfaction survey on auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 2 (2016), 1; 593 - 597.

  17. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Andreas Waldmann; Karin.H. Wodack; Constantin J. Trepte; Daniel Reuter; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, A. Waldmann, K. Wodack, C. Trepte, D. Reuter, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Evaluation of reconstruction parameters of electrical impedance tomography on aorta detection during saline bolus injection";
    Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 2 (2016), 1; 511 - 514.

  18. Authors: Vaiva Siauciunaite; Minvydas Ragulskis; A Vainoras; Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    V. Siauciunaite, M. Ragulskis, A. Vainoras, B. Dabiri Razlighi, E. Kaniusas:
    "Visualization of complex processes in cardiovascular system during electrical auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Diagnostics, 11(12) (2021), 2190; 1 - 14.

  19. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Möglichkeiten der perkutanen aurikulären Vagusnervstimulation bei Dystonie";
    Dystonie Rundblick / Österreichische Dystoniegesellschaft (invited), Winter 2013 / Frühjahr 2014 (2013), 18 - 20.

  20. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Elektrosignale gegen den Schmerz";
    E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 5 (2012), 29.

  21. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Andreas Waldmann; N Verdier; Alice Wielander; C Braun; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, A. Waldmann, N. Verdier, A. Wielander, C. Braun, E. Kaniusas:
    "Assessment of regional lung filling characteristics by electrical impedance tomography and dynamic computed tomography. Experimental study in porcine lavage injury";
    European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 33 (2016), 54; 428.

  22. Authors: Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Andreas Waldmann; Stefan Kampusch, E363; C Bardach; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Böhme

    F. Toemboel, A. Waldmann, S. Kampusch, C. Bardach, E. Kaniusas, S. Böhme:
    "Assessment of tidal recruitment during inhalation by electrical impedance tomography and dynamic computed tomography - feasibility study in porcine model lavage injury";
    European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 33 (2016), 54; 409.

  23. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, J. Szeles:
    "Percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    European Journal of Translational Myology - Basic and Applied Myology (invited), 26 (2016), 1; 57.

  24. Authors: Stefan Orter; Stefan Möstl; Martin Bachler, E101-03; Fabian Hoffmann; Christopher Mayer, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Michaela Reisinger; Siegfried Wassertheurer, E101-03; Jens Tank; Jens Jordan; Bernhard Hametner, E101-03

    S. Orter, S. Möstl, M. Bachler, F. Hoffmann, C. Mayer, E. Kaniusas, M. Reisinger, S. Wassertheurer, J. Tank, J. Jordan, B. Hametner:
    "A comparison between left ventricular ejection time measurement methods during physiological changes induced by simulated microgravity";
    Experimental Physiology, December (2021), December; 1 - 9.

  25. Authors: Adam D. Farmer; Adam Strzelczyk; Alessandra Finisguerra; Alexander V. Gourine; Alireza Gharabaghi; Alkomiet Hasan; Andreas M. Burger; Andrés M. Jaramillo; Ann Mertens; Arshad Majid; Bart Verkuil; Bashar W. Badran; Carlos Ventura-Bort; Charly Gaul; Christian Beste; Christopher M. Warren; Daniel S. Quintana; Dorothea Hämmerer; Elena Freri; Eleni Frangos; Eleonora Tobaldini; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Felix Rosenow; Fioravante Capone; Fivos Panetsos; Gareth L. Ackland; Gaurav Kaithwas; Georgia H. OŽLeary; Hannah Genheimer; Heidi I. L. Jacobs; Ilse Van Diest; Jean Schoenen; Jessica Redgrave; Jiliang Fang; Jim Deuchars; J.Constantin Szeles; Julian F. Thayer; Kaushik More; Kristl Vonck; Laura Steenbergen; Lauro C. Vianna; Lisa M. McTeague; Mareike Ludwig; Maria G. Veldhuizen; Marijke De Couck; Marina Casazza; Marius Keute; Marom Bikson; Marta Andreatta; Martina DŽAgostini; Mathias Weymar; Matthew Betts; Matthias Prigge; Michael Kaess; Michael Roden; Michelle Thai; Nathaniel M. Schuster; Nicola Montano; Niels Hansen; Nils B. Kroemer; Peijing Rong; Rico Fischer; Robert H. Howland; Roberta Sclocco; Roberta Sellaro; Ronald G. Garcia; Sebastian Bauer; Sofiya Gancheva; Stavros Stavrakis; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Susan A. Deuchars; Sven Wehner; Sylvain Laborde; Taras Usichenko; Thomas Polak; Tino Zaehle; Uirassu Borges; Vanessa Teckentrup; Vera K. Jandackova; Vitaly Napadow; Julian Koenig

    A. Farmer, A. Strzelczyk, A. Finisguerra, A. Gourine, A. Gharabaghi, A. Hasan, A. Burger, A. Jaramillo, A. Mertens, A. Majid, B. Verkuil, B. Badran, C. Ventura-Bort, C. Gaul, C. Beste, C. Warren, D. Quintana, D. Hämmerer, E. Freri, E. Frangos, E. Tobaldini, E. Kaniusas, F. Rosenow, F. Capone, F. Panetsos, G. Ackland, G. Kaithwas, G. OŽLeary, H. Genheimer, H. Jacobs, I. Van Diest, J. Schoenen, J. Redgrave, J. Fang, J. Deuchars, J. Szeles, J. Thayer, K. More, K. Vonck, L. Steenbergen, L. Vianna, L. McTeague, M. Ludwig, M. Veldhuizen, M. De Couck, M. Casazza, M. Keute, M. Bikson, M. Andreatta, M. DŽAgostini, M. Weymar, M. Betts, M. Prigge, M. Kaess, M. Roden, M. Thai, N. Schuster, N. Montano, N. Hansen, N. Kroemer, P. Rong, R. Fischer, R. Howland, R. Sclocco, R. Sellaro, R. Garcia, S. Bauer, S. Gancheva, S. Stavrakis, S. Kampusch, S. Deuchars, S. Wehner, S. Laborde, T. Usichenko, T. Polak, T. Zaehle, U. Borges, V. Teckentrup, V. Jandackova, V. Napadow, J. Koenig:
    "International consensus based review and recommendations for minimum reporting standards in research on transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation";
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 (2021), 568051; 1 - 47.

  26. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; S.H. Geyer; Van Hoang Le; Wolfgang J. Weninger; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, S. Kampusch, S. Geyer, L. Le, W. Weninger, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas:
    "High-resolution episcopic imaging for visualization of dermal arteries and nerves of the auricular cymba conchae in humans";
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 14 (2020), 22; 1 - 12.

  27. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Joana Brito; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, J. Brito, E. Kaniusas:
    "Cardiovagal baroreflex hysteresis using ellipses in response to postural changes";
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15 (2021), 720031; 1 - 15.

  28. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Marc Tittgemeyer; Fivos Panetsos; Raquel Fernandez Gines; Michele Papa; Attila Kiss; Podesser Podesser; Antonino Mario Cassara; Emmeric Tanghe; Amine M. Samoudi; Thomas Tarnaud; Wout Joseph; Vaidotas Marozas; Arunas Lukosevicius; Niko Istuk; Sarah Lechner; Wlodzimierz Klonowski; Giedrius Varoneckas; J.Constantin Szeles; Antonio Sarolic

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, M. Tittgemeyer, F. Panetsos, R. Gines, M. Papa, A. Kiss, P. Podesser, A. Cassara, E. Tanghe, A. Samoudi, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, V. Marozas, A. Lukosevicius, N. Istuk, S. Lechner, W. Klonowski, G Varoneckas, J. Szeles, A. Sarolic:
    "Current Directions in the Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation II - an engineering perspective";
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13 (2019), 772; 1 - 16.

    More information

  29. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Marc Tittgemeyer; Fivos Panetsos; Raquel Fernandez Gines; Michele Papa; Attila Kiss; Podesser Podesser; Antonino Mario Cassara; Emmeric Tanghe; Amine M. Samoudi; Thomas Tarnaud; Wout Joseph; Vaidotas Marozas; Arunas Lukosevicius; Niko Istuk; Antonio Sarolic; Sarah Lechner; Wlodzimierz Klonowski; Giedrius Varoneckas; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, M. Tittgemeyer, F. Panetsos, R. Gines, M. Papa, A. Kiss, P. Podesser, A. Cassara, E. Tanghe, A. Samoudi, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, V. Marozas, A. Lukosevicius, N. Istuk, A. Sarolic, S. Lechner, W. Klonowski, G Varoneckas, J. Szeles:
    "Current Directions in the Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation I - a physiological perspective";
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13 (2019), 854; 1 - 23.

    More information

  30. Authors: Ryszard Gomolka; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Wlodzimierz Klonowski

    R. Gomolka, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, J. Szeles, W. Klonowski:
    "Higuchi fractal dimension of heart rate variability during percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in healthy and diabetic subjects";
    Frontiers in Physiology, 9 (2018), 1162; 1 - 8.

  31. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Nuria Alfageme-Lopez; Daniela Yucuma-Conde; Li Xie; Julio Mayol; Christoph Neumayer; Michele Papa; Fivos Panetsos

    E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, N. Alfageme-Lopez, D. Yucuma-Conde, L. Xie, J. Mayol, C. Neumayer, M. Papa, F. Panetsos:
    "Non-invasive auricular vagus nerve stimulation as a potential treatment for Covid19-originated acute respiratory distress syndrome";
    Frontiers in Physiology, 11 (2020), 890; 1 - 11.

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  32. Authors: Markus Gall; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Katharina Bajic; Carmina Coronel; Stefan Seidel; Magdalena Mandl; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Gall, H. Garn, B. Kohn, K. Bajic, C. Coronel, S. Seidel, M. Mandl, E. Kaniusas:
    "Automated detection of movements during sleep using a 3D Time-of-Flight camera: Design and experimental evaluation";
    IEEE Access, 8 (2020), 109144 - 109155.

  33. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "3D Camera and pulse oximeter for respiratory events detection";
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25 (2021), 1; 181 - 188.

  34. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Audrius Alonderis; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco, G Varoneckas, A Alonderis, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Method for continuous non-disturbing monitoring of blood pressure by magnetoelastic skin curvature sensor and ECG";
    IEEE Sensors Journal, 6 (2006), 3; 819 - 828.

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  35. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Audrius Alonderis; Linas Zakarevicius

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, G Varoneckas, A Alonderis, L Zakarevicius:
    "Cardiovascular Oscillations of the Carotid Artery Assessed by Magnetoelastic Skin Curvature Sensor";
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55 (2008), 1; 369 - 372.

  36. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Acoustical Signal Properties for Cardiac/respiratory Activity and Apneas";
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52 (2005), 11; 1812 - 1822.

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  37. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Amine M. Samoudi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Katarzyna Bald; Emmeric Tanghe; Luc Martens, iMinds; Wout Joseph, iMinds; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, A. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, K. Bald, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, J. Szeles:
    "Stimulation pattern efficiency in percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: Experimental versus numerical data";
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67 (2020), 7; 1921 - 1935.

  38. Authors: Tom Van de Steene; Emmeric Tanghe; Thomas Tarnaud; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Luc Martens, iMinds; Roel Van Holen; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    T. Steene, E. Tanghe, T. Tarnaud, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, L. Martens, R. Holen, W. Joseph:
    "Sensitivity study of neuronal excitation and cathodal blocking thresholds of myelinated axons for percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1 (2020), 1 - 12.

  39. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Benedikt Mahr; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, G Varoneckas, B. Mahr, J. Szeles:
    "Optic Visualization of Auricular Nerves and Blood Vessels: Optimisation and Validation";
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 (2011), 10; 3253 - 3258.

  40. Authors: Soren Lewis; Michael Friedrich Russold; Hans Dietl; Roman Ruff; Josep Marcel Cardona Audi; Klaus-Peter Hoffmann; Lait Abu-Saleh; Dietmar Schroder; Wolfgang Krautschneider; Stephanie Westendorff; Alexander Gail; Thomas Meiners; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, R. Ruff, J. Audi, K.P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, D. Schroder, W. Krautschneider, S. Westendorff, A. Gail, T. Meiners, E. Kaniusas:
    "Fully implantable multi-channel measurement system for acquisition of muscle activity";
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 62 (2013), 7; 1972 - 1981.

  41. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Management Framework for Biosignals in Biomedical Studies: From Study Design to Data Statistics";
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 65 (2016), 4; 776 - 782.

  42. Authors: Cosima Prahm; Alexander Schulz; Benjamin Paaßen; Johannes Schoisswohl; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Georg Dorffner; Barbara Hammer; Oskar C Aszmann

    C. Prahm, A. Schulz, B. Paaßen, J. Schoisswohl, E. Kaniusas, G. Dorffner, B. Hammer, O. Aszmann:
    "Counteracting electrode shifts in upper-limb prosthesis control via transfer learning";
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering TNSRE, 27 (2019), 5; 956 - 962.

  43. Authors: Karin.H. Wodack; Florian Thürk, E363; Andreas Waldmann; Michael.F. Grässler; Sarah Nishimoto; Stephan H. Böhm; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Daniel Reuter; Constantin J. Trepte

    K. Wodack, F. Thürk, A. Waldmann, M. Grässler, S. Nishimoto, S. Böhm, E. Kaniusas, D. Reuter, C. Trepte:
    "Identification of the aorta by electrical impedance tomography";
    Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 4 (2016), 1; 165.

  44. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen:
    "Optical tissue absorption sensor on the thorax: Possibilities and restrictions";
    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 25 (2007), 1-4; 649 - 655.

  45. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Andreas Hasenzagl, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, A. Hasenzagl:
    "Optimisation of Magnetostrictive Bilayer Sensors for Medical Applications";
    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 28 (2008), 1,2; 193 - 199.

  46. Authors: Josef Grünberger; B. Vyssoki; D. König; J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; H. Stöhr; O.M. Lesch; H. Walter; M.C. Treiber

    J. Grünberger, B Vyssoki, D. König, J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, H. Stöhr, O. Lesch, H. Walter, M. Treiber:
    "Aurikuläre Vagusnerv-Stimulation (AuriStim) gegen Alkohol-Craving, gemessen mit der Pupillometrie - Eine Pilotstudie";
    Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 20 (2019), 1 - 6.

  47. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Edin Mulasalihovic, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco, E Mulasalihovic, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt:
    "Optimisation of sensitivity and time constant of thermal sensors based on magnetoelastic amorphous bilayers";
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 369 (2004), 198 - 201.

    More information

  48. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Dynamic Measuring of Inductivity Changes by Adaptive Controlling and Lock-in Technique";
    Journal of Electrical Engineering, 55 (2004), 10/S; 49 - 52.

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  49. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Christian Krell, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, C. Krell, H. Pfützner:
    "A magnetostrictive acceleration sensor for registration of chest wall displacements";
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 215-216 (2000), 776 - 778.

  50. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetostrictive amorphous bilayers and trilayers for thermal sensors";
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 254-255 (2003), 624 - 626.

    More information

  51. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas:
    "Magnetostrictive amorphous bimetal sonsors";
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 215-216 (2000), 779 - 781.

    More information

  52. Authors: Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Turgut Meydan; F Borza; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, T Meydan, F Borza, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "First magnetic material with sensitivity for the physical quantity "curvature"";
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 181 (2007), 1; 186 - 189.

  53. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "Detection of respiratory events by respiratory effort and oxygen desaturation";
    Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 1 (2020), 1 - 9.

  54. Authors: Michael Tschiedel; Michael Friedrich Russold; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Tschiedel, M. Russold, E. Kaniusas:
    "Relying on more sense for enhancing lower limb prostheses control: a review";
    Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17 (2020), 99; 1 - 13.

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  55. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Relevance of body sounds in connection with sleep apnea syndrome";
    Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 9, Suppl. 1 (2000), 93 - 93.

  56. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetic sensor for monitoring of physiological functions during sleep";
    Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 9, Suppl. 1 (2000), 128.

  57. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, G Varoneckas:
    "Rationale of human skin vibrations: registration and diagnostic value.";
    Journal of Vibroengineering, 11 (2009), 2; 249 - 255.

  58. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Aurelija Podlipskyte; Audrius Alonderis; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, A. Podlipskyte, A Alonderis, G Varoneckas:
    "Relation in-between autonomic cardiovascular control and central nervous system activity during sleep using spectrum-weighted frequencies";
    Journal of Vibroengineering, 12 (2010), 1; 106 - 112.

  59. Authors: Stefan Traxler, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Karl Futschik, E363

    S. Traxler, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, K. Futschik:
    "Magneto-elastic Bilayers for Sleep Apnea Monitoring";
    Materials Science Forum, vol 670 (2011), 355 - 359.

    More information

  60. Authors: Amine M. Samoudi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Emmeric Tanghe; J.Constantin Szeles; Luc Martens, iMinds; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    A. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. Szeles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph:
    "Numerical modelling of percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: A realistic 3D model to evaluate sensitivity of neural activation to electrode position";
    Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, online (2017), 1 - 18.

  61. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Detektion von Apnoen anhand von Schnarchgeräuschen";
    ÖGSMSF-ASRA Newsletter, Jahrgang 7 (1998), 2/3; 4.

  62. Authors: Klaus-Peter Hoffmann; Lait Abu-Saleh; Jm Cardona Audi; Hans Dietl; H Frank; Alexander Gail; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wolfgang Krautschneider; Soren Lewis; Thomas Meiners; Roman Ruff; Michael Friedrich Russold; Dietmar Schröder; Stephanie Westendorff

    K.P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, J. Cardona Audi, H. Dietl, H. Frank, A. Gail, E. Kaniusas, W. Krautschneider, S Lewis, T. Meiners, R. Ruff, M. Russold, D. Schröder, S. Westendorff:
    "Implantable myoelectric assistance system for the intuitive control of a bionic hand prostheses";
    Orthopädie Technik, 5 (2015), 36 - 40.

  63. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Christian Clodi; Norbert Thomas; Severin Thomas Fichtenbauer; Christian Schwanzer; Sebastian Schwarzenberger; Christoph Neumayer; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, F. Thürk, C. Clodi, N. Thomas, S. Fichtenbauer, C. Schwanzer, S. Schwarzenberger, C. Neumayer, E. Kaniusas:
    "Bursted auricular vagus nerve stimulation alters heart rate variability in healthy subjects";
    Physiological Measurement, 42 (2021), 10; 1 - 11.

  64. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Martin Elenkov, E307-03; Andreas Waldmann; Stefan Böhme; C Braun; Andy Adler; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, M. Elenkov, A. Waldmann, S. Böhme, C. Braun, A. Adler, E. Kaniusas:
    "Influence of reconstruction settings in electrical impedance tomography on figures of merit and physiological parameters";
    Physiological Measurement, 2019 May 24 (2019), 1 - 27.

  65. Authors: Karin.H. Wodack; S Buehler; Sarah Nishimoto; M.F. Graessler; Christoph R Behem; Andreas Waldmann; Beat Mueller; S Böhm; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Alexander Maerz; Constantin J. Trepte; Daniel Reuter

    K. Wodack, S. Buehler, S. Nishimoto, M. Graessler, C. Behem, A. Waldmann, B. Mueller, S Böhm, E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, A. Maerz, C. Trepte, D. Reuter:
    "Detection of thoracic vascular structures by electrical impedance tomography: a systematic assessment of prominence peak analysis of impedance changes";
    Physiological Measurement, 39 (2018), 2; 1 - 8.

  66. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Böhme; Daniel Mudrak; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Alice Wielander; Helmut Prosch; C Braun; Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Johannes Hofmanninger; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, S. Böhme, D. Mudrak, S. Kampusch, A. Wielander, H. Prosch, C. Braun, F. Toemboel, J Hofmanninger, E. Kaniusas:
    "Effects of individualized electrical impedance tomography and image reconstruction settings upon the assessment of regional ventilation distribution: Comparison to 4-dimensional computed tomography in a porcine model";
    PLoS ONE, 12 (2017), 8; 1 - 16.

  67. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, G Varoneckas:
    "Magnetoelastic bilayer sensors: from technology to application";
    Sensor Letters, 11 (2013), 1; 164 - 169.

  68. Authors: Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Magnetostrictive bilayers for multi-funtional sensor families";
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 129 (2006), 1; 154 - 158.

  69. Authors: Stefan Traxler, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Ioanna Giouroudi

    S. Traxler, J. Kosel, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, I. Giouroudi:
    "Contactless dlow detection with magnetostrictive bilayers";
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume A 142/2 (2008), 491 - 495.

  70. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn; Bernhard Kohn; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "Detecting Respiratory Events By Respiratory Effort Derived From 3D Time-of-Flight Camera And SpO2";
    Sleep, 42 (2019), 1; A185.

  71. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "Using respiratory effort and SPO2 to detect respiratory events";
    Sleep Medicine, 64 (2019), S126 - S127.

  72. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "Measurement of respiratory effort in sleep by 3D camera and respiratory inductance plethysmography";
    Somnologie - Somnology - Current Sleep Research and Concepts, 7 May (2019), 1 - 7.

  73. Authors: Alice Wielander; C Bardach; Prerana Agarwal; Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Florian Thürk, E363; C Braun; Stefan Böhme; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Christian Herold; Helmut Prosch

    A. Wielander, C. Bardach, P. Agarwal, F. Toemboel, F. Thürk, C. Braun, S. Böhme, E. Kaniusas, C. Herold, H. Prosch:
    "Diagnostic assessment of acute respiratory distress syndrome with lung ultrasound - comparison with Computed Tomography- preliminary data";
    Ultraschall in der Medizin, 37 (2016), 1.

  74. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Transmission of body sounds: an overview";
    Ultrasound, 1(58) (2006), 7 - 12.

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  75. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Audrius Alonderis; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, G Varoneckas, A Alonderis, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Magnetoelastic bilayer concept for skin curvature sensor.";
    Ultrasound, 3 (52) (2004), 42 - 46.

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  76. Authors: Michael Tschiedel; Michael Friedrich Russold; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Markus Vincze, E376

    M. Tschiedel, M. Russold, E. Kaniusas, M. Vincze:
    "Real-time limb tracking in single depth images based on circle matching and line fitting";
    Visual Computer, April (2021), 1 - 11.

Contributions to Books

  1. Authors: Stefan Kampusch; Kurt Edegger; Mayr Patrick; Van Hoang Le; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Klaus Zeiner; Karl Kreiner

    S. Kampusch, K. Edegger, M. Patrick, L. Le, E. Kaniusas, K. Zeiner, K. Kreiner:
    "Integrated platform for the management of chronic low back pain";
    in: "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics", 293; IOS Press, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-64368-282-2, 2 pages.

  2. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other person involved: Andrew O. Lang

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Acoustical fingerprints of apneas - their properties and clinical relevance";
    in: "Sleep apnea syndrome: Research trends", A. O. Lang (ed.); issued by: Nova Science Publishers; Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2007, (invited), 65 - 105.

  3. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other person involved: Andrew O. Lang

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Clinical versus portable monitoring: Possibilities, pitfalls, and future vision";
    in: "Sleep apnea syndrome: Research trends", A. O. Lang (ed.); issued by: Nova Science Publishers; Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2007, (invited), 3 - 5.

  4. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Nonlinear behaviour of vital physiological systems";
    in: "International Conference on Theory and Application in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2012)", Springer, 2014, 113 - 121.

  5. Authors: Laila Gbaoui, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other persons involved: Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay; Aime Lay-Ekuakille

    L. Gbaoui, E. Kaniusas:
    "Decomposition of photoplethysmographical arterial pulse waves by independent component analysis: Possibilities and limitations";
    in: "Advances in Biomedical Sensing, Measurements, Instrumentation and Systems", S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Lay-Ekuakille (ed.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010, (invited), ISBN: 3642051669, 166 - 185.

  6. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other person involved: Cornelius Leondes

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Acoustical Signals of Biomechanical Systems";
    in: "Biomechanical Systems Technology", C. Leondes (ed.); World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007, (invited), 1 - 44.

Contributions to Proceedings

  1. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Edin Mulasalihovic, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco, E Mulasalihovic, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt:
    "Applicability of magnetostrictive amorphous trilayers for thermal sensors";
    in: "Soft Magnetic Materials 16 - Volume 2", Verlag Stahleisen, 2004, 609 - 614.

    More information

  2. Authors: Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt; Peter Svec; Pavel Duhaj

    J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, J. Tellez-Blanco, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt, P Svec, P Duhaj:
    "Manufacturing of Magnetostrictive Macro Bilayers";
    in: "Soft Magnetic Materials - Volume 2", Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf, 2004, ISBN: 3-514-00711-x, 621 - 626.

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  3. Authors: Christian Krell, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Elisabeth Leiss, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    C. Krell, L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, E. Leiss, H. Pfützner:
    "Effects of stress on permeability, losses and magnetostriction of soft magnetic materials under rotational magnetization";
    in: "Proceedings 2DM 1&2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing", issued by: 2DM 1&2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing; Vienna Magnetics Group Reports, 2002, ISBN: 3-902105-00-3, 242 - 247.

Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

  1. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco et al.:
    "Biomedical Applicability of Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors";
    Talk: 11th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics, Versailles; 05-12-2003 - 05-14-2003; in: "11th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics", Eigenverlag, (2003), 236 - 237.

    More information

  2. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen:
    "Optical tissue absorption sensor on the thorax: possibilities and restrictions";
    Poster: 12th Inter. Symp. on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems (ISEM 2005), Bad Gastein, Austria; 09-12-2005 - 09-14-2005; in: "Short Paper Proceedings", Vienna Magnetic Group Reports, Vienna Magnetic Group Reports (2005), ISBN: 3-902105-01-1; 410 - 411.

    More information

  3. Authors: Jürgen Kosel, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Stephan Traxler; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    J. Kosel, H. Pfützner, S. Traxler, E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Contactless detection of bending sensitive magnetostrictve bilayers utilizing higher harmonics";
    Poster: 12th Inter. Symp. on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems (ISEM 2005), Gastein; 09-11-2005 - 09-14-2005; in: "Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems", (2005), ISBN: 3-902105-01-1; 354 - 355.

    More information

  4. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt; Stefan Sauermann
    Other person involved: Stefan Sauermann

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt, S. Sauermann:
    "Functional Electro Stimulation monitoring by bending sensitive magnetostrictive bilayer Sensors";
    Poster: 12th Inter. Symp. on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems (ISEM 2005), Bad Gastein; 09-11-2005 - 09-14-2005; in: "Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems", S. Sauermann (ed.); Vienna Magnetics Group Reports, (2005), ISBN: 3-902105-01-1; 356 - 357.

    More information

  5. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Matthias Krenn

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, F. Thürk, M. Krenn:
    "Optimization of waveform shapes for electrical neuromuscular stimulation based on conductive and displacement membrane currents";
    Talk: 12th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation, Wien; 09-08-2016 - 09-09-2016; in: "Proceedings of 12th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation", (2016), ISBN: 978-3-900928-12-4; 11 - 14.

  6. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel:
    "Optimisation of Magnetostrictive Bilayer Sensors for Medical Applications";
    Talk: 13th Inter. Symp. on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM 2007), East Lansing, Michigan, USA; 09-09-2007 - 09-12-2007; in: "Short Paper Proceedings of ISEM2007", (2007), 305 - 306.

    More information

  7. Authors: Povilas Piartli; Andrius Rapalis; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lina Jankauskaite; Vaidotas Marozas

    P. Piartli, A. Rapalis, E. Kaniusas, L. Jankauskaite, V. Marozas:
    "Pain recognition from finger plethysmography using neural networks";
    Talk: 13th International Conference for Biomechanics, Medical Diagnostics, Locomotion and Rehabilitation (BIOMDLORE), Vilnius, Litauen; 10-21-2021 - 10-23-2021; in: "Proceedings of 13th International Conference for Biomechanics, Medical Diagnostics, Locomotion and Rehabilitation (BIOMDLORE)", (2021), ISBN: 978-1-6654-0842-4; 1 - 4.

  8. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner:
    "Magentostrictive Amorphous Bilayers and Trilayers for Thermal Sensors";
    Talk: 15th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Bilbao; 09-05-2001 - 09-07-2001; in: "15th SMM Conference - Book of Abstracts", (2001), G-08.

  9. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Alice Wielander; Helmut Prosch; Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Stefan Böhme

    E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, A. Wielander, H. Prosch, F. Toemboel, S. Böhme:
    "Lung aeration in EIT using probability-weighted respiration";
    Talk: 16th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and 17th International Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography, Stockholm, Sweden; 06-19-2016 - 06-23-2016; in: "Book of Abstracts of 16th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and 17th International Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography", Karolinska Institute, (2016), 123.

  10. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Andreas Waldmann; Karin.H. Wodack; Michael.F. Grässler; Sarah Nishimoto; Constantin J. Trepte; Daniel Reuter; Stephan H. Böhm; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, A. Waldmann, K. Wodack, M. Grässler, S. Nishimoto, C. Trepte, D. Reuter, S. Böhm, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Hypertonic saline injection to detect aorta in porcine EIT";
    Talk: 16th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and 17th International Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography, Stockholm, Sweden; 06-19-2016 - 06-23-2016; in: "Book of Abstracts of 16th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and 17th International Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography", Karolinska Institute, (2016), 121.

  11. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Peripheral blood perfusion controlled by auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Talk: 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2013, Kaunas, Litauen; 11-28-2013 - 11-29-2013; in: "Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering", (2013), 73 - 77.

  12. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, E. Kaniusas:
    "Effects of preceding preparation in breath-hold divers: gas analysis in expired air and blood";
    Keynote Lecture: 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2013, Kaunas, Litauen (invited); 11-28-2013 - 11-29-2013; in: "Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering", (2013), 4 - 8.

  13. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco et al.:
    "Adaptive measurements of blood pressure changes using magnetic sensor and ECG";
    Talk: 2nd annual conference on the Institue for PSychophysiology and Rehabilitaion, Palanga; 01-20-2002; in: "II-oji metine Konferencija Pranesimu tezes", (2002), 29.

  14. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas
    Other persons involved: Evangelos Bekiaris; Thomas Penzel

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, G Varoneckas:
    "Multiparametric sensors for sleep monitoring";
    Talk: 2nd SENSATION International Conference, Chania, Griechenland; 06-03-2007 - 06-05-2007; in: "Proceedings of 2nd SENSATION International Conference", E. Bekiaris, T. Penzel et al. (ed.); (2007), Paper ID 2308, 8 pages.

  15. Authors: Alex Pöll; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    A. Pöll, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Cross-platform implementation of therapeutic wireless system: possibilities and restrictions";
    Talk: 33rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Signal Processing - TSP 2010, Baden near Vienna; 08-17-2010 - 08-20-2010; in: "33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing", (2010), ISBN: 978-963-88981-0-4; 5 pages.

  16. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Klaus Zeiner; Arnaud Nativel; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, K. Zeiner, A. Nativel, E. Kaniusas:
    "Multifunctional auricular vagus nerve stimulator for closed-loop application";
    Talk: 34th SBC/SBMicro/IEEE/ACM Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), Campinas, Brazil; 08-23-2021 - 08-27-2021; in: "Proceedings of 34th SBC/SBMicro/IEEE/ACM Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI)", (2021), ISBN: 978-1-6654-2170-6; 1 - 5.

  17. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt
    Other persons involved: Daniel Paulo Rocha Wiese Meneses, E366-01; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Michael J. Vellekoop, E366-01

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, G Varoneckas, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Magnetoelastic Skin Curvature Sensor for Biomedical Applications";
    Talk: 3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors 2004), Vienna, Austria; 10-24-2004 - 10-27-2004; in: "CD-ROM Proceedings Sensor 2004", D. Rocha Wiese Meneses, P. M. Sarro, M. Vellekoop (ed.); (2004), ISBN: 0-7803-8692-2; Paper ID pp. 1484-1487, 4 pages.

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  18. Authors: Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Theoretical investigation of magnetostrictive bilayers sensitive to bending or temperature changes";
    Poster: 3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors 2004), Vienna, Austria; 10-24-2004 - 10-27-2004; in: "IEEE Sensors 2004 - Book of Abstracts", (2004), 227 - 228.

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  19. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Magnetostrictive bilayer sensors";
    Poster: 3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors 2004), Wien; 10-24-2004 - 10-27-2004; in: "IEEE Sensors 2004", IEEE, 04ch37603C (2004), ISBN: 0-7803-8693-0; Paper ID M3P-P P-9, 3 pages.

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  20. Authors: Elena Schrödl; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Van Hoang Le; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Schrödl, S. Kampusch, B. Dabiri Razlighi, L. Le, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas:
    "Feasibility of pulse rate variability as feedback in closed-loop percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Talk: 40th International JVE Conference on Dynamics of Biological Systems, Kaunas, Lithuania; 09-26-2019 - 09-28-2019; in: "Vibroengineering procedia", 26 (2019), ISSN: 2538-8479; 35 - 39.

  21. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Nonlinear behaviour of vital physiological systems";
    Talk: 4th International Conference on Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics, Seattle, USA (invited); 08-26-2012 - 08-30-2012; in: "Book of Abstracts of 4th International Conference on Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics", (2012), 13.

  22. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Stefan Traxler, E363; Manuel Vazquez; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, S. Traxler, M Vazquez, G Varoneckas:
    "Technical and medical applications of magnetostrictive bilayer sensors";
    Talk: 5th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials, Iasi, Romania (invited); 09-05-2011 - 09-07-2011; in: "Abstracts of 5th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials", (2011), 33.

  23. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "New Approaches in Multi-Punctual Percutaneous Stimulation of the Auricular Vagus Nerve";
    Poster: 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego; 11-06-2013 - 11-08-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering", (2013), 263 - 266.

  24. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Detection of apneas by means of snoring sounds";
    Poster: Proceedings of the 8th central european neuropsychopharmacological symposium, Vienna, Austria; 08-28-1998 - 08-30-1998; in: "Abstracts from 8th central european neuropsychopharmacological symposium", Psychiatria danubina/Papirgrafika, Zagreb, 10 (3) (1998), ISSN: 0353-5053; 338.

  25. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Giedrius Varoneckas
    Other person involved: Uludag University

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, G Varoneckas:
    "Magnetostrictive bilayer sensors: from technology to application";
    Keynote Lecture: 8th European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA 2010), Bodrum, Turkey (invited); 07-04-2010 - 07-07-2010; in: "Book of Abstracts, EMSA 2010", Uludag University (ed.); (2010), 3.

  26. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Single Spot Registration of Oximetry, Heart Rate and Breathing for Comfortable Sleep Monitoring";
    Talk: 9. Deutscher Kongress für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Hamburg; 09-13-2001 - 09-15-2001; in: "Schlafmedizin im dritten Jahrtausend", (2001), 28.

  27. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetostrictive Skin Sensor for Apnea Detection";
    Talk: 9. Deutscher Kongress für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Hamburg; 09-13-2001 - 09-15-2001; in: "Schlafmedizin im dritten Jahrtausend", (2001), 37 - 38.

  28. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Multiparametric Physiological Sensors";
    Talk: Annual Conference on the Institute for Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation, Palanga, Litauen; 12-21-2006; in: "Abstracts of presentations", (2006), 1 - 3.

  29. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Audrius Alonderis; Giedrius Varoneckas; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, A Alonderis, G Varoneckas, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Assessment of fetal movements by skin curvature sensors";
    Talk: Annual Conference on the Institute for Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation, Palanga, Lithuania; 12-17-2004; in: "Proc. on 4 annual conference on the Institute for Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation, Palanga, Lithuania", (2004), 29.

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  30. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, G Varoneckas:
    Talk: Annual Conference on the Institute for Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation, Palanga, Lithuania; 12-20-2005 - 12-21-2005; in: "Abstracts of presentations", (2005), 29.

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  31. Authors: Stefan Orter; Stefan Möstl; Martin Bachler, E101-03; Fabian Hoffmann; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Michaela Reisinger; Siegfried Wassertheurer, E101-03; Jens Tank; Bernhard Hametner, E101-03

    S. Orter, S. Möstl, M. Bachler, F. Hoffmann, E. Kaniusas, M. Reisinger, S. Wassertheurer, J. Tank, B. Hametner:
    "Measuring arterial stiffness in a head-down tilt bed rest study: A multisensor approach";
    Talk: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBCŽ20), EMBS Virtual Academy; 07-20-2020 - 07-24-2020; in: "Proceedings of 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBCŽ20)", IEEE, (2020), 2715 - 2718.

  32. Authors: Carmina Coronel; Christoph Wiesmeyr; Heinrich Garn, E389-03; Bernhard Kohn; Anahid Naghibzadeh-Jalali; Alexander Schindler; Markus Wimmer; Magdalena Mandl; Martin Glos; Thomas Penzel; Gerhard Klösch; Andrijana Stefanic-Kejik; Marion Böck; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Seidel

    C. Coronel, C. Wiesmeyr, H. Garn, B. Kohn, A. Naghibzadeh-Jalali, A. Schindler, M. Wimmer, M. Mandl, M. Glos, T. Penzel, G. Klösch, A. Stefanic-Kejik, M. Böck, E. Kaniusas, S. Seidel:
    "Comparison of PSG signals and respiratory movement signal via 3D camera in detecting sleep respiratory events by LSTM models";
    Talk: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2020 (APSIPA ASC 2020), Auckland, New Zealand; 12-07-2020 - 12-10-2020; in: "Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2020 (APSIPA ASC 2020)", 1088 (2020), ISBN: 978-988-14768-8-3; 919 - 923.

  33. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Tilo Materna; Giedrius Varoneckas
    Other person involved: INSTICC

    E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, T. Materna, G Varoneckas:
    "Adaptive Auricular Electrical Stimulation Controlled by Vital Biosignals";
    Talk: BIODEVICES 2009 - Second International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Porto, Portugal; 01-14-2009 - 01-17-2009; in: "Proceedings of BIODEVIC ES 2009", INSTICC (ed.); (2009), ISBN: 978-989-8111-64-7; 304 - 309.

  34. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner et al.:
    "Multiparametric Physiological Monitoring Applying Novel Magnetoelastic Sensors at the Neck";
    Talk: Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania; 10-24-2002 - 10-25-2002; in: "Proceedings of International Conference", (2002), 82 - 85.

  35. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; Audrius Alonderis; Aurelija Podlipskyte

    E. Kaniusas, G Varoneckas, A Alonderis, A. Podlipskyte:
    "Heart rate variability and EEG during sleep using spectrum-weighted frequencies - a case study";
    Poster: COST Action B27 Symposium "Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition", Göttingen, Germany; 10-12-2007 - 10-13-2007; in: "COST Action B27 symposium Electric neuronal oscillations and cognition (ENOC)", (2007), 12.

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  36. Authors: Povilas Piartli; Goda Laucaityte; Andrius Rapalis; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Vaidotas Marozas; Lina Jankauskaite

    P. Piartli, G. Laucaityte, A. Rapalis, E. Kaniusas, V. Marozas, L. Jankauskaite:
    "Finger Photoplethysmogram Morphology Changes during Pain";
    Talk: European Emergency Medicine Congress - EuSEM 2021, Portugal, Lisbon; 10-27-2021 - 10-31-2021; in: "Abstracts of European Emergency Medicine Congress - EuSEM 2021", New prognostic and predictive factors to determine treatment / OA036 (2021), 1.

  37. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Thoracic oximetry: A new method for additional assessment of respiration";
    Poster: EUROSENSORS XVIII, Rome, Italy; 09-12-2004 - 09-15-2004; in: "Eurosensors XVIII - Digest of Technical Papers", (2004), 772 - 773.

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  38. Authors: Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Non-Contact Signal Detection of Multifunctional Bilayer Sensors";
    Poster: EUROSENSORS XVIII, Rome, Italy; 09-12-2004 - 09-15-2004; in: "Eurosensors XVIII - Digest of Technical Papers", (2004), 593 - 594.

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  39. Authors: Birute Paliakaite; Peter Charlton; Andrius Rapalis; Vilma Plusciauskaite; Povilas Piartli; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Vaidotas Marozas

    B. Paliakaite, P. Charlton, A. Rapalis, V. Plusciauskaite, P. Piartli, E. Kaniusas, V. Marozas:
    "Blood pressure estimation based on photoplethysmography: Finger versus wrist";
    Talk: IEEE Computing in Cardiology (CinC), Bruno; 09-12-2021 - 09-15-2021; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Computing in Cardiology (CinC)", IEEE, 48 (2021), ISBN: 978-1-6654-7916-5; 1 - 4.

  40. Authors: Mantas Rinkevicius; Andrius Rapalis; Vilma Plusciauskaite; Povilas Piartli; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Vaidotas Marozas

    M. Rinkevicius, A. Rapalis, V. Plusciauskaite, P. Piartli, E. Kaniusas, V. Marozas:
    "Low-Exertion testing of autonomic cardiovascular integrity through PPG signal analysis";
    Talk: IEEE Computing in Cardiology (CinC), Bruno; 09-12-2021 - 09-15-2021; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Computing in Cardiology (CinC) 2021", IEEE, 48 (2021), ISBN: 978-1-6654-7916-5; 1 - 4.

  41. Authors: Soren Lewis; Michael Friedrich Russold; Hans Dietl; Roman Ruff; Thomas Dörge; Klaus-Peter Hoffmann; Lait Abu-Saleh; Dietmar Schroder; Wolfgang Krautschneider; Stephanie Westendorff; Alexander Gail; Thomas Meiners; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, R. Ruff, T. Dörge, K.P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, D. Schroder, W. Krautschneider, S. Westendorff, A. Gail, T. Meiners, E. Kaniusas:
    "Acquisition of muscle activity with a fully implantable multi-channel measurement system";
    Poster: IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (2012 I2MTC), Graz, Austria; 05-13-2012 - 05-16-2012; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference", (2012), 996 - 999.

  42. Authors: Gamal Amin; Jürgen Kosel, KAUST, Saudi Arabia; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Traxler, E363

    G. Amin, J. Kosel, E. Kaniusas, S. Traxler:
    "Estimation of lung volume and pressure from electrocardiogram";
    Poster: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Bari, Italy; 05-30-2011 - 05-31-2011; in: "2011 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications", (2011), 207 - 212.

  43. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Traxler, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, S. Traxler, E. Kaniusas:
    "Cardiovascular response to static apneas";
    Poster: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Italien, Bari; 05-30-2011 - 05-31-2011; in: "2011 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2011) Proceedings", (2011), 217 - 220.

  44. Authors: Soren Lewis; Michael Friedrich Russold; Hans Dietl; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S Lewis, M. Russold, H. Dietl, E. Kaniusas:
    "User demands for sensory feedback in upper extremity prostheses";
    Poster: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (2012, MeMeA), Budapest, Ungarn; 05-18-2012 - 05-19-2012; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications", (2012), 188 - 191.

  45. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, E. Kaniusas:
    "Physiological unbalance during dry static apneas: effects of preceding preparations";
    Talk: IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMea 2013), Gatineau, Quebec, Canada; 05-04-2013 - 05-05-2013; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications", (2013), 5 pages.

  46. Authors: Laila Gbaoui, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    L. Gbaoui, E. Kaniusas:
    "Arterial Pulse Wave Decomposition by Independent Component Analysis";
    Talk: IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications, Italien, Cetraro; 05-29-2009 - 05-30-2009; in: "2009 IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings", (2009), 111 - 115.

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  47. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, G Varoneckas, J. Szeles:
    "Optic visualisation of auricular blood vessels";
    Talk: IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications, Kanada, Ottawa; 04-30-2010 - 05-01-2010; in: "2010 IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings", 2010 IEEE, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-6289-6; Paper ID 1, 5 pages.

  48. Authors: Tom Van de Steene; Emmeric Tanghe; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Babak Dabiri Razlighi; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Luc Martens, iMinds; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    T. Steene, E. Tanghe, S. Kampusch, B. Dabiri Razlighi, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas, L. Martens, W. Joseph:
    "Exposure and neuronal excitation by wireless power transfer for auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Talk: IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), Oslo, Norway; 05-08-2019 - 05-10-2019; in: "IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT)", IEEE, (2019), 1 - 5.

  49. Authors: Stefan Schidl, E354-02; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Horst Zimmermann, E354-02

    S. Schidl, E. Kaniusas, H. Zimmermann:
    "CMOS chip with multi junction photo detector for sensing biomedical signals";
    Talk: IEEE Sensors, Baltimore, USA; 11-03-2013 - 11-06-2013; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Sensors", (2013), 69 - 72.

  50. Authors: Laila Gbaoui, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Tilo Materna; Giedrius Varoneckas

    L. Gbaoui, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, T. Materna, G Varoneckas:
    "Effects of the auricular electrical stimulation on heart rate variablility assessed in phase space: pilot study";
    Talk: IEEE SENSORS 2008 Conference, LECCE, Italien; 10-26-2008 - 10-29-2008; in: "Ieee Sensors 2008", (2008), 176 - 179.

  51. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, F. Thürk, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Autonomous nervous system modulation by percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: Multiparametric assessment and implications for clinical use in diabetic foot ulcerations";
    Talk: IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2015, Zadar, Croatia; 04-13-2015 - 04-15-2015; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium", IEEE, (2015), 79 - 84.

  52. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, J. Szeles:
    "Depth profiles of the peripheral blood oxygenation in diabetics and healthy subjects in response to auricular electrical stimulation: Auricular vagus nerve stimulation as a potential treatment for chronic wounds";
    Talk: IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2015, Zadar, Croatia; 04-13-2015 - 04-15-2015; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium", IEEE, (2015), 11 - 16.

  53. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Strategic framework for management of hybrid biosignals from study design to statistics";
    Talk: IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2015, Zadar, Croatia; 04-13-2015 - 04-15-2015; in: "Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium", IEEE, (2015), 85 - 89.

  54. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Tellez-Blanco, J. Kosel et al.:
    "Kraujo Spaudimo Kitimo Matavimas Magnetiniu Sensoriumo Bei EKG Pritaikant Adaptyvu Filtra";
    Talk: II-oji metine MU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos instituto Konferencija, Palanga; 12-20-2002; in: "II-oji metine MU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos instituto Konferencioja - Pranesimu tezes", (2002), 29.

  55. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel et al.:
    "Survey on the Biomedical Applicability of Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors";
    Talk: III-oji metine MU Psichiofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos instituto Konferencija, Palanga; 2003; in: "Pranesimu tezes", (2003), 36.

  56. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Evaluation of acoustic signals for the detection of sleep apnea events";
    Talk: IMEKO 2000 World Congress, Wien, Hofburg; 09-25-2000 - 09-28-2000; in: "Proceedings Volume VII", ÖGMA Austrian Society for Measurement and Automation, (2000), ISBN: 3-901888-09-8; 177 - 182.

  57. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Elisabeth Leiss, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, E. Leiss, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetostrictive force and displacement sensor";
    Talk: IMEKO 2000 World Congress, Vienna; 09-25-2000 - 09-28-2000; in: "Proceedinggs Volume VII", ÖGMA Austrian Society for Measurement and Automation, (2000), ISBN: 3-901888-06-3; 69 - 74.

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  58. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetic sensor for monitoring of physiological functions";
    Talk: IMEKO 2000 World Congress, Vienna; 09-25-2000 - 09-28-2000; in: "IMEKO Proceedings", ÖGMA Austrian Society for Measurement and Automation, (2000), ISBN: 3-901888-06-3; 183 - 186.

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  59. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Laila Gbaoui, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Tilo Materna; Giedrius Varoneckas
    Other persons involved: Peter Balog, FH Technikum Wien; Bernhard Jakoby, JKU Linz; Gottfried Magerl, E354-01; Erwin Schoitsch, ARC

    E. Kaniusas, L. Gbaoui, J. Szeles, T. Materna, G Varoneckas:
    "Validation of auricular electrostimulation by heart rate variability and blood perfusion: possibilities and restrictions";
    Poster: Informationstagung Mikroelektronik 08 (ME2008), Wien; 10-15-2008 - 10-16-2008; in: "Informationstagung Mikroelektronik 08", P. Balog, B. Jakoby, G. Magerl, E. Schoitsch (ed.); Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik, (2008), ISBN: 978-3-85133-049-6; 180 - 184.

  60. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Linas Zakarevicius; Audrius Alonderis; Giedrius Varoneckas; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Alberto Maria Merlo; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, H. Pfützner, L Zakarevicius, A Alonderis, G Varoneckas, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B Marquardt:
    "Working point optimisation of magnetoelastic bending sensor during long term monitoring";
    Talk: International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania; 10-28-2004 - 10-29-2004; in: "Proc. of VIII Intern. Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania", (2004), 56 - 61.

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  61. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Richard-Reinhold Sedlak, E363; Linas Zakarevicius; Audrius Alonderis; Giedrius Varoneckas; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Riccardo Seccardini; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, R.-R. Sedlak, L Zakarevicius, A Alonderis, G Varoneckas, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, R Seccardini, B Marquardt:
    "Magnetostrictive bending sensor for registration of eye movements and blink";
    Talk: International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania; 10-23-2003 - 10-24-2003; in: "Proc. of VII Intern. Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, Lithuania", (2003), 131 - 135.

    More information

  62. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Effects of nonlinearities in physiological systems on biomedical sensing technologies";
    Talk: International conference on Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics, Hyderabad, India (invited); 07-15-2013 - 07-18-2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), 14.

  63. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Giedrius Varoneckas; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other persons involved: Malina Jordanova; Frank Lievens

    J. Szeles, G Varoneckas, E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular Electrical Stimulation (P-STIM) for Insomnia Treatment Using Remote Control";
    Talk: International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2010), Luxembourg; 04-14-2010 - 04-16-2010; in: "Proceedings of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business", M. Jordanova, F. Lievens (ed.); International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), (2010), ISSN: 1818-9334; 747 - 751.

  64. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Novel non-electric sensors for multiparametric monitoring of sleep";
    Poster: International Pharmaco EEG Society, Vienna, Austria; 09-01-2000 - 09-03-2000; in: "Abstracts book", (2000), 1.

  65. Authors: Giedrius Varoneckas; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    G Varoneckas, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Application of Electrical Punctual Stimulation for Patients with Insomnia";
    Talk: International Scientific - Practical Conference, Klaipeda; 05-20-2011; in: "Proceedings of International Scientific - Practical Conference", Klaipeda University Publisher, (2011), ISBN: 978-9955-18-584-0; 91 - 95.

  66. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Biomedical signals and sensors";
    Keynote Lecture: International Scientific - Practical Conference, Virtual Instruments in Biomedicine 2012, Klaipeda, Lithuania (invited); 05-18-2012; in: "Proceedings of International Scientific - Practical Conference, Virtual Instruments in Biomedicine", Klaipeda University Publishing, (2012), ISBN: 978-9955-18-660-1; 5 - 7.

  67. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, G Varoneckas:
    "Voluntary apnea for the fitness assessment of divers and non-divers";
    Keynote Lecture: International Scientific - Practical Conference, Virtual Instruments in Biomedicine 2013, Klaipeda, Lithuania (invited); 05-24-2013; in: "Proceedings of International Scientific - Practical Conference, Virtual Instruments in Biomedicine 2013", Klaipeda University Publishing, (2013), ISBN: 978-9955-18-736-3; 8 - 11.

  68. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Oliver Gindlhumer; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, O. Gindlhumer, E. Kaniusas:
    "Reproducibility of cardiovascular and gas parameters in voluntary apnea related to apnea duration";
    Talk: International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2014), Lisbon, Portugal; 06-11-2014 - 06-12-2014; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)", (2014), 424 - 428.

  69. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; E Unger; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Karin Whitmore, E057-02; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Kampusch, E Unger, J. Bernardi, K. Whitmore, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas:
    "Design of the electrode-tissue interface in percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Talk: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau; 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1 - 2.

  70. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, J. Szeles:
    "Current directions in auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau (invited); 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1.

  71. Authors: Sarah Lechner; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    S. Lechner, E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch:
    "Bringing auricular vagus nerve stimulation to the market: Regulatory burdens from research to business";
    Talk: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau; 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1 - 2.

  72. Authors: Fivos Panetsos; Raquel Fernandez Gines; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    F. Panetsos, R. Gines, E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch:
    "Animal models of auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau (invited); 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1 - 2.

  73. Authors: Amine M. Samoudi; Emmeric Tanghe; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Luc Martens, iMinds; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    A. Samoudi, E. Tanghe, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, W. Joseph:
    "Numerical modelling of percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: Assessment of sensitivity of neural activation to electrode position";
    Talk: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau; 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1 - 2.

  74. Authors: J.Constantin Szeles; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Szeles, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Innovative clinical medicine based on auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau (invited); 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1.

  75. Authors: Emmeric Tanghe; Amine M. Samoudi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Luc Martens, iMinds; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    E. Tanghe, A. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, W. Joseph:
    "Numerical modelling of percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: Investigation of the percentage of activated axons using different stimulation patterns";
    Talk: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED), Warschau; 02-14-2017 - 02-16-2017; in: "Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within EU COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)", (2017), 1 - 2.

  76. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Multiparametrischer optischer Gewebeabsorptionssensor im Brustbereich: Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen";
    Talk: Jahrestagung 2007 der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung, Graz; 04-13-2007 - 04-15-2007; in: "Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung / Jahrestagung Abstracts", (2007), 21.

    More information

  77. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Expected effects of auricular vagus nerve stimulation in dystonia";
    Talk: Jahrestagung der Deutschen, der Österr. und der Schweizer Ges. für Biomedizinische Technik, Graz; 09-19-2013 - 09-21-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 11th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation", (2013), ISBN: 978-3-900928-11-7; 70 - 71.

  78. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Detektion von Apnoen anhand von Schnarchgeräuschen";
    Talk: Jahrestagung der Öst.Ges. für Biomedizin.Technik und der Öst.Ges. für Medizin. Physik, Wien, Österreich; 05-21-1998 - 05-23-1998; in: "Biomedizinische Technik", Schiele&Schön GmbH, 43, Ergänzungsband 2 (1998), ISSN: 0939-4990; 85 - 87.

  79. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Eigenschaften akustischer Körpergeräusche im Hinblick auf kardiale/respiratorische Tätigkeit in Patienten mit schlafbezogenen respiratorischen Störungen (Schnarchen und Apnoen)";
    Talk: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung 2004 (ASRA), Villach, Österreich; 04-29-2004 - 05-01-2004; in: "Abstracts der Jahrestagung 2004, ÖGSMSF", (2004), 3.

    More information

  80. Authors: Stefan Traxler, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Karl Futschik, E363

    S. Traxler, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, K. Futschik:
    "Magneto-elastic Bilayers for Sleep Apnea Monitoring";
    Talk: JAPMED, Bukarest, Romania; 07-27-2009 - 07-29-2009; in: "6th Japanese Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nanomaterials", (2009), ISBN: 9786065213463; 249 - 250.

    More information

  81. Authors: Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Turgut Meydan; F Borza; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Bernd Marquardt

    H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, T Meydan, F Borza, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, B Marquardt:
    "First Magnetic Materials with Sensitivity for the Physical Quantity of "Curvature"";
    Talk: JAPMED'4, Cairo; 09-17-2005 - 09-20-2005; in: "4th Japanese Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials", (2005), 177 - 178.

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  82. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulation: from basics to challenges";
    Talk: Joint Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association, Montpellier, France (invited); 06-23-2019 - 06-28-2019; in: "Abstract collection of the Joint Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association", (2019), 1.

  83. Authors: D Yucuma; A Gonzalez-Alvarez; G Cirillo; M Papa; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Fivos Panetsos

    D. Yucuma, A. Gonzalez-Alvarez, G. Cirillo, M. Papa, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Panetsos:
    "Vagus nerve stimulation for irritable bowel disease healing";
    Poster: Limitless! Augmentation of Brain Function conference, Swiss Tech Convention center, Lausanne, Switzerland; 09-19-2018 - 09-21-2018; in: "Abstract for Limitless! Augmentation of Brain Function conference", (2018), 1.

  84. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt:
    "Dynamic measuring of inductivity changes by adaptive controlling and lock-in technique";
    Talk: Magnetic Measurements 2004, Prague, Czech; 06-30-2004 - 07-02-2004; in: "Magnetic Measurements 2004 - Book of Abstracts", (2004), 31 - 32.

  85. Authors: Laila Gbaoui, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Gottfried Magerl, E354-01; J.Constantin Szeles; Tilo Materna; Giedrius Varoneckas

    L. Gbaoui, E. Kaniusas, G. Magerl, J. Szeles, T. Materna, G Varoneckas:
    "Herzratenvariabilität während Elektrostimulation am Ohr: Spektral-versus Phasenbereich";
    Poster: Messtechnisches Symposium, Dresden; 09-11-2008 - 09-13-2008; in: "XXII. Messtechnisches Symposium", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-8322-7506-8; 230 - 238.

  86. Authors: Stefan Traxler, E363; A. Schütter, E363; Karl Futschik, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Edin Mulasalihovic, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    S. Traxler, A. Schütter, K. Futschik, E. Kaniusas, E Mulasalihovic, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetostiktiver Kurvationssensor zur Erfassung kardio-respiratorischer Aktivität am Hals";
    Talk: Messtechnisches Symposium, Dresden; 09-11-2008 - 09-13-2008; in: "XXII. Messtechnisches Symposium", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-8322-7506-8; 86 - 93.

  87. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; S.H. Geyer; Van Hoang Le; Florian Thürk, E363; Simon Brenner; J.Constantin Szeles; Wolfgang J. Weninger; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, S. Kampusch, S. Geyer, L. Le, F. Thürk, S. Brenner, J. Szeles, W. Weninger, E. Kaniusas:
    "In-silico ear model based on episcopic images for percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Talk: Proceedings of 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields, Split, Kroatien; 09-10-2018 - 09-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields", (2018), 85 - 86.

  88. Authors: Vaiva Siauciunaite; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; A Vainoras

    V. Siauciunaite, E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, J. Szeles, A. Vainoras:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulation affects fractality of the human body as resolved by advanced ECG";
    Poster: Proceedings of 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields, Split, Kroatien; 09-10-2018 - 09-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields", (2018), 9 - 10.

  89. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Jakub Matta; Fatih Kartal; Klaus Zeiner; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Maximilian Schnetzinger; Stefan Böhme; Klaus Markstaller; Klaus Ulrich Klein

    F. Thürk, J. Matta, F. Kartal, K. Zeiner, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, M. Schnetzinger, S. Böhme, K. Markstaller, K. Klein:
    "Real-time assessment of high resolution vital signs recording for calculation of perioperative clinical parameters";
    Talk: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy; 06-11-2018 - 06-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)", (2018), 337 - 341.

  90. Authors: Klaus Zeiner; Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; A Bukaty; Christian Reiterer; Barbara Kabon; Klaus Ulrich Klein

    K. Zeiner, F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, A. Bukaty, C. Reiterer, B. Kabon, K. Klein:
    "Heart rate variability analysis as a possible predictor of perioperative risk in patients undergoing general surgery";
    Talk: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy; 06-11-2018 - 06-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)", (2018), 299 - 303.

  91. Authors: S Buehler; Karin.H. Wodack; Stephan H. Böhm; Andreas Waldmann; M.F. Graessler; Sarah Nishimoto; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; Constantin J. Trepte; Daniel Reuter

    S. Buehler, K. Wodack, S. Böhm, A. Waldmann, M. Graessler, S. Nishimoto, E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, C. Trepte, D. Reuter:
    "Localizing the aorta by electrical impedance tomography within regions of interest";
    Poster: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, New Hampshire, USA; 06-21-2017 - 06-24-2017; in: "Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography", (2017), 59.

  92. Authors: S Buehler; Karin.H. Wodack; Stephan H. Böhm; Andreas Waldmann; M.F. Graessler; Sarah Nishimoto; Florian Thürk, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Daniel Reuter; Constantin J. Trepte

    S. Buehler, K. Wodack, S. Böhm, A. Waldmann, M. Graessler, S. Nishimoto, F. Thürk, E. Kaniusas, D. Reuter, C. Trepte:
    "Detection of the aorta in electrical impedance tomography images without the use of contrast agent";
    Talk: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, New Hampshire, USA; 06-21-2017 - 06-24-2017; in: "Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography", (2017), 18.

  93. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Daniel Mudrak; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Stefan Böhme; Helmut Prosch; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, D. Mudrak, S. Kampusch, S. Böhme, H. Prosch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Electrical impedance tomography image explorer";
    Poster: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, New Hampshire, USA; 06-21-2017 - 06-24-2017; in: "Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography", (2017), 70.

  94. Authors: Martin Elenkov; Florian Thürk, E363; Andreas Waldmann; Karin.H. Wodack; Daniel Reuter; Stephan H. Böhm; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Elenkov, F. Thürk, A. Waldmann, K. Wodack, D. Reuter, S. Böhm, E. Kaniusas:
    "Localisation of pixels representing the aorta in electrical impedance tomography images based on time and frequency domain features";
    Talk: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 06-11-2018 - 06-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography", (2018), 27.

  95. Authors: Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Martin Elenkov; Stefan Böhme; Helmut Prosch; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, M. Elenkov, S. Böhme, H. Prosch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Influence of noise figure controlled regularisation on derived physiological parameters in Electrical Impedance Tomography";
    Talk: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 06-11-2018 - 06-13-2018; in: "Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography", (2018), 15.

  96. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other person involved: Martin Sweeting

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas:
    "The SSETI Knowledge Base System";
    Talk: Proceedings of the AMSAT-UK 21st Annual Colloquium, Guildford, Surrey; 07-28-2006 - 07-30-2006; in: "Proceedings of the AMSAT-UK 21st Annual Colloquium", M. Sweeting (ed.); AMSAT-UK, 21 (2006), 61 - 62.

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  97. Authors: Alice Wielander; C Bardach; Prerana Agarwal; Florian Thürk, E363; Frederic P.R. Toemboel; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; C Braun; Stefan Böhme; Christian Herold; Helmut Prosch

    A. Wielander, C. Bardach, P. Agarwal, F. Thürk, F. Toemboel, E. Kaniusas, C. Braun, S. Böhme, C. Herold, H. Prosch:
    "Critical Evaluation of lung ultrasound findings compared with dynamic computed tomography: Preliminary data";
    Talk: Scientific Assembly of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2016), Chicago; 11-26-2016 - 12-01-2016; in: "Abstracts of Scientific Assembly of Radiological Society of North America", (2016), 96.

  98. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner:
    "A magnetostrictive amourphous acceleration sensor for registration of chest wall displacements";
    Poster: SMM14 - Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 09-08-1999 - 09-10-1999; in: "Conference Abstracts", (1999), 176.

  99. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner, E. Kaniusas:
    "Magnetostrictive Amorphous Bimetal Sensors";
    Poster: SMM14 - Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 09-08-1999 - 09-10-1999; in: "Conference Abstract", Hungarian Academy of Science, (1999), 177.

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  100. Authors: Stefan Traxler, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; A. Schütter, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Karl Futschik, E363

    S. Traxler, H. Pfützner, A. Schütter, E. Kaniusas, K. Futschik:
    "A magneto-elastic sensor for screening of body position and mobility during sleep";
    Poster: Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM), Turin, Italy; 09-06-2009 - 09-09-2009; in: "Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Conference Program and Book of Abstracts", (2009), M3/01.

  101. Authors: Una Pale; Florian Thürk, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    U. Pale, F. Thürk, E. Kaniusas:
    "Heart rate variability analysis using different wavelet transformations";
    Talk: The 39th International ICT Convention - MIPRO 2016, Opatija, Croatia; 05-30-2016 - 06-03-2016; in: "Proceedings of 39th International Convention (IEEE, MIPRO)", (2016), 1930 - 1935.

  102. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Single spot acoustic detection of apnea and cardio-respiratory information";
    Poster: Third international congress of the world federation of sleep research societies, Dresden, Germany; 10-05-1999 - 10-09-1999; in: "Third international congress, Abstracts", Sleep research online, Volume 2, Supplement 1 (1999), 385.

  103. Authors: Leila Taghizadeh, E101-03; Clemens Heitzinger, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wolfgang J. Wenninger, Medical Universi ...

    L. Taghizadeh, C. Heitzinger, E. Kaniusas, W. Wenninger:
    "Progress in electrical-impedance tomography";
    Talk: Vienna Center for Engineering and Medicine (ViCEM) Biennial Meeting, Vienna, Austria; 11-14-2019 - 11-15-2019; in: "Vienna Center for Engineering and Medicine (ViCEM) Biennial Meeting", (2019).

  104. Authors: Babak Dabiri Razlighi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other person involved: TU Wien

    B. Dabiri Razlighi, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Simulation of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system for optimization of auricular vagus nerve stimulation";
    Poster: Vienna Young Scientists Symposium (VSS), Vienna; 06-13-2019 - 06-14-2019; in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", TU Wien (ed.); (2019), 132 - 133.

  105. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; T. Maier; Helmut Weiser; Giedrius Varoneckas; Linas Zakarevicius

    E. Kaniusas, T. Maier, H. Weiser, G Varoneckas, L Zakarevicius:
    "Embedded electrocardiographic amplifier without reference electrode";
    Talk: WISES 2006, 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, Vienna; 06-30-2006; in: "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems", (2006), ISBN: 3-902463-06-6; 25 - 31.

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Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

  1. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Jürgen Kosel, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Edin Mulasalihovic, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, J. Tellez-Blanco, E Mulasalihovic, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt:
    "Applicability of magnetostrictive amorphous trilayers for thermal sensors";
    Poster: 16th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM16), Düsseldorf, Germany; 09-09-2003 - 09-12-2003.

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  2. Authors: Jürgen Kosel, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Juan Carlos Tellez-Blanco, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Turgut Meydan; Manuel Vazquez; Michael Rohn; Carloandrea Malvicino; Bernd Marquardt; Peter Svec; Pavel Duhaj

    J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, J. Tellez-Blanco, H. Pfützner, T Meydan, M Vazquez, M. Rohn, C Malvicino, B Marquardt, P Svec, P Duhaj:
    "Manufacturing of magnetostrictive Macro Bilayers";
    Poster: 16th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM16), Düsseldorf, Germany; 09-09-2003 - 09-12-2003.

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  3. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Hybrid theranostics - from multiparametric sensors to individualized electronic pills";
    Keynote Lecture: 40th International JVE Conference on Dynamics of Biological Systems, Kaunas, Lithuania; 09-26-2019 - 09-28-2019.

  4. Authors: Bernhard Hametner, E101-03; Christopher Mayer, E101-03; Philipp Chorherr; Martin Bachler, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Walter Sehnert; Ines Mikisek; Thomas Mengden; Siegfried Wassertheurer, E101-03

    B. Hametner, C. Mayer, P. Chorherr, M. Bachler, E. Kaniusas, W. Sehnert, I. Mikisek, T. Mengden, S. Wassertheurer:
    "Determination of ejection duration based on a finger pulse waveform: Methodology and feasibility";
    Poster: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Berlin, Germany; 07-23-2019 - 07-27-2019.

  5. Authors: A Bukaty; Florian Thürk, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Klaus Markstaller; Klaus Ulrich Klein

    A. Bukaty, F. Thürk, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, K. Markstaller, K. Klein:
    "Automatic monitoring of heart rate variability for detection of cardiovascular and autonomic dysfunction";
    Poster: Austrian International Congress of Anesthesiology, Innsbruck; 09-29-2016 - 10-01-2016.

  6. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation - A Potential New Treatment in Diabetic Foot Syndrome";
    Talk: COST Action BM1309 EMF-MED - 3rd Management Committee Meeting, Madrid; 03-04-2015 - 03-06-2015.

  7. Authors: Sandra Medrano-Garcia; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Fivos Panetsos

    S. Medrano-Garcia, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Panetsos:
    "Ways to an Effective Treatment for Ischemic Stroke - Optimization of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Rats";
    Talk: COST Action BM1309 EMF-MED - 3rd Management Committee Meeting, Madrid; 03-04-2015 - 03-06-2015.

  8. Authors: Amine M. Samoudi; Emmeric Tanghe; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Luc Martens; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Wout Joseph

    A. Samoudi, E. Tanghe, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles, W. Joseph:
    "Neural Simulation for Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation";
    Talk: COST Action BM1309 EMF-MED - 4th Management Committee Meeting, Prague; 11-16-2015 - 11-18-2015.

  9. Authors: Ryszard Gomolka; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Wlodzimierz Klonowski

    R. Gomolka, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk, J. Szeles, W. Klonowski:
    "Higuchi fractal dimension of heart rate variability during percutaneous auricular VNS in healthy and diabetic subjects";
    Talk: COST EMF-MED European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications, Workshop: Follow-up on developments in Vagus Nerve Electrostimulation, Wien; 10-26-2017 - 10-27-2017.

  10. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Sarah Lechner; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Kampusch, J. Szeles, S. Lechner, E. Kaniusas:
    "Szelestim GmbH - the innovation in pain treatment";
    Talk: COST EMF-MED European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications, Workshop: Follow-up on developments in Vagus Nerve Electrostimulation, Wien; 10-26-2017 - 10-27-2017.

  11. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Theory and numerical experiments on nerve blockage";
    Talk: COST EMF-MED European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications, Workshop: Follow-up on developments in Vagus Nerve Electrostimulation, Wien; 10-26-2017 - 10-27-2017.

  12. Authors: Amine M. Samoudi; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Emmeric Tanghe; J.Constantin Szeles; Luc Martens, iMinds; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wout Joseph, iMinds

    A. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. Szeles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph:
    "Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Sensitivity Assessment of the Numerical Model";
    Talk: COST EMF-MED European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications, Workshop: Follow-up on developments in Vagus Nerve Electrostimulation, Wien; 10-26-2017 - 10-27-2017.

  13. Authors: Giedrius Varoneckas; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    G Varoneckas, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Advanced noninvasive electrical stimulation of nervus vagus for insomnia and depression treatment";
    Talk: COST EMF-MED European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications, Workshop: Follow-up on developments in Vagus Nerve Electrostimulation, Wien; 10-26-2017 - 10-27-2017.

  14. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Relevance of body sounds in connection with sleep apnea syndrome";
    Poster: ESRS, European sleep research society, Istanbul, Turkey; 09-12-2000 - 09-16-2000.

  15. Authors: Lars Mehnen, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    L. Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner:
    "Magnetic sensor for monitoring of physiological functions during sleep";
    Poster: ESRS, European sleep research society, Istambul; 09-12-2000 - 09-16-2000.

    More information

  16. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulation - an electromagnetically-mediated medical treatment: from model to experiment";
    Talk: European Microwave Week / Workshop: Technologies and modelling for electromagnetically-mediated medical treatments: at the beginning of the "electroceuticals" era, Paris, France (invited); 09-29-2019 - 10-04-2019.

  17. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulation: Report on COST EMF-MED Workshops 2017";
    Talk: Geschäftsstelle der Strahlenschutzkommission beim Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (invited); 02-22-2018.

  18. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Giedrius Varoneckas

    E. Kaniusas, G Varoneckas:
    "Heart rate variability and voluntary apnea for the assessment of fatigue and fitness";
    Talk: International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2014), Zürich, Schweiz (invited); 06-16-2014 - 06-19-2014.

  19. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; Raquel Fernandez Gines; Fivos Panetsos; Hoang Le Van, E363; Florian Thürk, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Kampusch, R. Gines, F. Panetsos, H. Le Van, F. Thürk, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas:
    "The reflex action of auricular vagus nerve stimulation on the rhythm of the heart in mice";
    Poster: International Neuromodulation Society 13th World Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland; 05-27-2017 - 06-01-2017.

  20. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu:
    "Detektion von Apnoen anhand von Schnarchgeräuschen";
    Talk: Jahrestagung 1998 der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung, Linz, Österreich; 04-17-1998 - 04-18-1998.

  21. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363; Bernd Saletu; Rainer Popovic

    E. Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, B. Saletu, R. Popovic:
    "Einfache akustische Erfassung von Apnoen, Herzfrequenz und Lungenfrequenz";
    Talk: Jahrestagung 1999 der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung, Wien, Österreich; 04-23-1999 - 04-24-1999.

  22. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Kampusch, J. Szeles, E. Kaniusas:
    "Vagusstimulation - ein neuer Ansatz in der personalisierten Medizin";
    Talk: Millesi Akademie, Forum Private Medizin, Wiener Privatklinik, Wien (invited); 05-20-2017.

  23. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, J. Szeles:
    "Auricular vagus nerve stimulation: from biophysics to research lines";
    Talk: Millesi Akademie, Forum Private Medizin, Wiener Privatklinik, Wien (invited); 05-20-2017.

  24. Authors: Klaus-Peter Hoffmann; Lait Abu-Saleh; Josep Marcel Cardona Audi; Hans Dietl; H Frank; Alexander Gail; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wolfgang Krautschneider; Soren Lewis; Thomas Meiners; Roman Ruff; Michael Friedrich Russold; Dietmar Schroder; Stephanie Westendorff

    K.P. Hoffmann, L. Abu-Saleh, J. Audi, H. Dietl, H. Frank, A. Gail, E. Kaniusas, W. Krautschneider, S Lewis, T. Meiners, R. Ruff, M. Russold, D. Schroder, S. Westendorff:
    "Implantierbares myo-elektrisches Assistenzsystem zur intuitiven Steuerung einer bionischen Handprothese";
    accepted as talk for: OTWorld 2014, International trade fair and world congress on Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Technology, Leipzig, Germany; 05-13-2014 - 05-16-2014.

  25. Authors: Iboja Hofmann; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; J.Constantin Szeles

    I. Hofmann, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, J. Szeles:
    "Multimodal approach in treating chronic wounds";
    Poster: Pflegekongress Wien 2015, Wien; 09-21-2015 - 09-22-2015.

  26. Authors: Klaus Markstaller; Stefan Böhme; Helmut Prosch; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Christian Herold

    K. Markstaller, S. Böhme, H. Prosch, E. Kaniusas, C. Herold:
    "Novel approach to individualized mechanical ventilation of critically ill patients through computed tomography-enhanced bedside electrical impedance tomography imaging";
    Talk: The Fleischner Society 2016 Annual Meeting, New York; 06-11-2016 - 06-12-2016.

  27. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Auricular vagus neuromodulation: from basics to challenges";
    Talk: VI CMAeSP International Acupuncture Congress, XXV Brazilian Acupuncture Congress, and II CMBA Pain Congress, Brazil; 11-13-2021 - 11-14-2021.

  28. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, F. Thürk:
    "Hypoxie and biosignals: from origin to theory to live-experiment";
    Talk: Wiener Anästhesietage 2017, Wien (invited); 03-30-2017 - 04-01-2017.

  29. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363; Helmut Pfützner, E363

    E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, H. Pfützner et al.:
    "Evaluation of acoustic signals for the detection of sleep apnea events";
    Talk: XVI IMEKO World Congress 2000, Wien; 09-25-2000 - 09-28-2000.

Habilitation Theses

  1. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Multiparametric Physiological Sensors";
    Technische Universität Wien / Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2006.

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Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

  1. Author: Ahmad Amini
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Roland Beisteiner

    A. Amini:
    "New methods for investigation of functional brain changes in response to peripheral damage";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, E. Kaniusas, R. Beisteiner; E101, 2021; oral examination: 11-2021.

  2. Author: Manfred Anzinger-Weitmann
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Winfried Mayr; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Anzinger-Weitmann:
    "Modellierung des lumbalen Rückenmarks zur Erklärung funktionaler Abweichungen des Bewegungsmusters bei Querschnittpatienten";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, W. Mayr, E. Kaniusas; E101, Meduni Wien, E354, 2020; oral examination: 09-23-2020.

  3. Author: Carmina Coronel
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Thomas Penzel; Georg Dorffner, MedUni Wien

    C. Coronel:
    "3D Monitoring of Respiratory Movements for the Detection of Sleep Respiratory Events";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: E. Kaniusas, T. Penzel, G. Dorffner; E354, 2021; oral examination: 01-25-2021.

  4. Author: Andreas Fellner, E101-03
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Winfried Mayr

    A. Fellner:
    "Mechanisms of the block of excitation at high-intensity extracellular microelectrode stimulation - a model-based study";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, E. Kaniusas, W. Mayr; E101,Meduni Wien, 2020; oral examination: 01-20-2020.

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  5. Author: Paul Finsterwalder, E325-03
    Other persons involved: Johann Wassermann, E325-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    P. Finsterwalder:
    "Analyse und mechanisches Konzept therapeutisch wirksamer Massagebewegungen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: J. Wassermann, E. Kaniusas; Mechanik und Mechatronik, 2015.

  6. Author: Franz Fürbass
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Frank Rattay, E101-03

    F. Fürbass:
    "EEG Monitoring based on automatic detection of seizures and repetitive discharges";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: E. Kaniusas, F. Rattay; E354, E101, 2017; oral examination: 12-19-2017.

  7. Author: Markus Gall
    Other persons involved: Heinrich Garn; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Osman Ipsiroglu

    M. Gall:
    "Detection and Characterization of Movement Patterns Occuring in Sleep Related Movement Disorders Using a 3D Time-of-Flight Camera";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Garn, E. Kaniusas, O. Ipsiroglu; E389, 2020; oral examination: 07-07-2020.

  8. Author: Amirreza Heshmat
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Werner Hemmert; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    A. Heshmat:
    "3D structure of human auditory nerve fibers and its impact on excitation with cochlear implants";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, W. Hemmert, E. Kaniusas; E101, 2022; oral examination: 01-18-2022.

  9. Author: C. Hofer
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    C. Hofer:
    "Functional Electrical Stimulation of Human Denervated Muscle: Technical Equipment and Patient Study";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, E. Kaniusas; Institut für Analysis und Scientific Computing, 2008; oral examination: 06-11-2008.

  10. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other persons involved: Helmut Pfützner, E363; Ernst Wintner, E387-01

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Auskultation und Verarbeitung von Schnarchgeräuschen zum Zwecke der Detektion von Apnoen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Pfützner, E. Wintner; Institut für Grundlagen und Theorie der Elektrotechnik, 2001.

  11. Author: Alen Karabegovic, E307-03
    Other persons involved: Margit Gföhler, E307-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Claus G. Krenn

    A. Karabegovic:
    "Development of a hydraulic circulatory loop and sensorless flow control system for testing a minimally invasive pneumatic heart pump";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Gföhler, E. Kaniusas, C. Krenn; IKL, 2017; oral examination: 06-08-2017.

  12. Author: Armina Kreuzer-Simonyan
    Other persons involved: Ingeborg Hochmair-Desoyer, E366; Peter Pfundner, E366; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    A. Kreuzer-Simonyan:
    "Evaluierung von systemrelevanten Parametern von Cochlea Implantaten";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: I. Hochmair-Desoyer, P. Pfundner, E. Kaniusas; E366, 2019; oral examination: 01-28-2019.

  13. Author: Soren Lewis
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Wolfgang Krautschneider

    S Lewis:
    "An implantable measurement system for control of advanced arm prostheses: Electrode development, signal analysis, control algorithms and sensory feedback";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: E. Kaniusas, W. Krautschneider; E354, 2013; oral examination: 10-24-2013.

  14. Author: Sogand Sajedi, E101-03
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Winfried Mayr; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Sajedi:
    "Investigation of block phenomena in pyramidal, cochlear, and retinal neurons";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, W. Mayr, E. Kaniusas; E101, 2022; oral examination: 01-25-2022.

  15. Author: Thomas Tanzer
    Other persons involved: Frank Rattay, E101-03; Winfried Mayr; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    T. Tanzer:
    "Analysis of ion current fluctuations in multi-compartment models of electrically stimulated neurons";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Rattay, W. Mayr, E. Kaniusas; E101, 2021; oral examination: 10-21-2021.

  16. Author: Florian Thürk, E363
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Klaus Ulrich Klein; Andy Adler

    F. Thürk:
    "Individualization and Optimization of Electrical Impedance Tomography and Improvement of Biosignal Management and Analysis in the Clinical Setting";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: E. Kaniusas, K. Klein, A. Adler; E354, 2018; oral examination: 12-13-2018.

  17. Author: Johannes Zajc, OBH
    Other persons involved: Margit Gföhler, E307-03; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Thomas Schauer

    J. Zajc:
    "Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity following Stroke using novel hybrid Neuro-Orthoses.";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Gföhler, E. Kaniusas, T. Schauer; 307-03, 2019; oral examination: 03-28-2019.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

  1. Author: David Saiz Arranz
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    D. Arranz:
    "Analysis of photoplethysmographic signals using MATLAB";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2012.

  2. Author: Katarzyna Bald
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    K. Bald:
    "Systematische Evaluierung der Parameter zur elektrischen Stimulation der Nervenendigungen in der Ohrmuschel";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2010.

  3. Author: Joana Brito
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Brito:
    "Quantifizierung von Baroreflex mittels Ellipsoide im Zeitbereich";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2021; final examination: 06-17-2021.

  4. Author: Rajko Bulajic
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    R. Bulajic:
    "Sleep Management System";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2010; final examination: 04-21-2010.

  5. Author: Veronika Cap
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Christopher Mayer, E101-03

    V. Cap:
    "Quantifizierung von EKG-Attraktoren zur Analyse der EKG-Wellenform während der Hämodialyse";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, C. Mayer; E354, 2021; final examination: 11-18-2021.

  6. Author: Philipp Chorherr
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    P. Chorherr:
    "Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Pulswellenformanalyse Algorithmus";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2019; final examination: 05-17-2019.

  7. Author: Corina Contawe
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Christopher Mayer, E101-03

    C. Contawe:
    "Comparison of Manually and Automatically Derived ECG-based Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Parameters and their Predictive Value in Survival Analysis";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, C. Mayer; E354, 2017; final examination: 06-13-2017.

  8. Author: Babak Dabiri Razlighi
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    B. Dabiri Razlighi:
    "Gewebevolumenreduzierung Der Oberen Atemwege Durch Rf-Therapie In Patienten Mit Schlafstörungen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2017; final examination: 10-06-2017.

  9. Author: Michael Dammerer
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Dammerer:
    "Entwicklung eines Sensorpflasters zur Erfassung physiologischer Daten";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2011; final examination: 01-14-2011.

  10. Author: Klaus Dittrich
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Heinrich Garn

    K. Dittrich:
    "Infrarotspektroskopie in der medizinischen Diagnostik";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, H. Garn; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2012.

  11. Author: Marko Drndarevic
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    M. Drndarevic:
    "The effect of local precooling of the predominantly stressed muscles prior to high-performance exercise under normal conditions";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2017; final examination: 10-06-2017.

  12. Author: Martin Elenkov
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    M. Elenkov:
    "Detektion der Aorta-Hämodynamik in der elektrischen Feldplethysmographie mittels regionaler Analyse: in-vivo, in-silico und phantom Messungen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2018; final examination: 04-25-2018.

  13. Author: Severin Thomas Fichtenbauer
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    S. Fichtenbauer:
    "Vagus nerve stimulation effects on peripheral perfusion dysfunction in diabetics";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2014; final examination: 06-12-2014.

  14. Author: Susanne Maria Fuchs
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Fuchs:
    "Hardwareentwicklung für die multiparametrische Detektion von Biosignalen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2011; final examination: 10-07-2011.

  15. Author: Markus Fuger, E138-03
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Fuger:
    "Entwicklung eines Messsystems zur Datenermittlung weichmagnetischer Materialien für die mathematische Beschreibung mittels Preisachoperator";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2009.

  16. Author: Oliver Gindlhumer
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    O. Gindlhumer:
    "KoolTime - a closed-loop system for mild therapeutic hypothermia";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2015; final examination: 04-27-2015.

  17. Author: Valentin Gruber
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    Val. Gruber:
    "Detection of Apneas by Analyzing the Heart Sounds";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2011; final examination: 06-01-2011.

  18. Author: Gerald Hirsch
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    G. Hirsch:
    "Echtzeit Klassifizierung von gedachten Bewegungen auf Basis von EEG und fNIRS Daten: Ein hybrid Modell";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2020; final examination: 06-18-2020.

  19. Author: Mhd Adnan Jouned
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    M. Jouned:
    "Development of an Interoperable Exchange, Aggregation and Analysis Platform for Health and Environmental Data";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2018; final examination: 04-25-2018.

  20. Author: Michael Kalcher
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Kalcher:
    "Evaluierung eines neuen Sprachverständnistests für Patienten mit Cochlea-Implantat basierend auf den Ling-6 Sounds in deutscher Sprache";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2020; final examination: 06-18-2020.

  21. Author: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363
    Other persons involved: Helmut Pfützner, E363; Nikolaus Baumgartinger, E363; Karl Futschik, E363

    E. Kaniusas:
    "Meßplatz zur ionensensitiven Detektion des Wachstums von Mikroorganismen";
    Supervisor: H. Pfützner, N. Baumgartinger, K. Futschik; E 351, 1997.

  22. Author: Fatih Kartal
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    F. Kartal:
    "Entwicklung der Software zur Erfassung und Visualisierung von Biosignalen sowie einer Echtzeitanalyse der Herzfrequenzvariabilität";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2018; final examination: 10-03-2018.

  23. Author: Andreas Knor
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    A. Knor:
    "Entwicklung einer mobilen Applikation zur Überwachung und Steuerung des Therapieverlaufs bei personalisierter aurikulärer Vagus Nerv Stimulation";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2019; final examination: 10-04-2019.

  24. Author: Konstanze Krommer
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    K. Krommer:
    "Evaluation of Anesthesia Fitness in High Risk Patients by Voluntary Apneas";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2015; final examination: 11-19-2015.

  25. Author: Van Hoang Le
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    L. Le:
    "Auswirkungen der aurikulären Vagus Nerv Stimulation auf den Herzrhythmus im Mausmodel";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2020; final examination: 04-20-2020.

  26. Author: Stefan Lintner
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Lintner:
    "Orientation Proportional Control of a Prosthetic Wrist";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2017; final examination: 09-19-2017.

  27. Author: Caroline Magg
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    C. Magg:
    "Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines EKG Annotation Algorithmus für Mäuse";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2018; final examination: 06-13-2018.

  28. Author: Benedikt Mahr
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Lars Mehnen, E363

    B. Mahr:
    "Transillumination Device to visualize auricular Blood Vessels";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2010.

  29. Author: Jakub Matta
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    J. Matta:
    "Systematische Konzeptbildung, Entwurf und Entwicklung einer C++ Software zur Übertragung von biomedizinischen Daten über die Hardware API eines klinischen Überwachungsmonitors";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2018; final examination: 10-03-2018.

  30. Author: Raphael Maria Mayer
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    R. Mayer:
    "3D Position Estimation using Inertial Measurment Units for a Novel Control of Upper Limb Prosthesis";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2015; final examination: 04-27-2015.

  31. Author: Daniel Mudrak
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    D. Mudrak:
    "Preprocessing of computed tomography images for quantification of lung specific physiology and comparison to electrical impedance tomography";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2017; final examination: 06-13-2017.

  32. Author: Patrick Müller
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    Patrick Müller:
    "Visualization of EMG Signals of TMR Patients";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2014; final examination: 03-13-2014.

  33. Author: Arnaud Nativel
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    A. Nativel:
    "Platform für adaptive Vagusnervstimulation basierend auf Biosignalen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2021; final examination: 11-18-2021.

  34. Author: Jan Rupert Stefan Pilsinger
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Pilsinger:
    "Charakterisierung, Modellierung und Vermessung eines elektrischen mikrofluidischen Zellmanipulationssystems";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2018; final examination: 11-22-2018.

  35. Author: Alexander Pöll
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    A. Pöll:
    "System zur Transillumination und Anwendungssoftware für die aurikuläre Stimulation";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2010; final examination: 06-18-2010.

  36. Author: Sara Riegler
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Riegler:
    "EMG-signal processing for neuro-excitability tests using Matlab";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2017; final examination: 06-13-2017.

  37. Author: Jakob Scheithe, E193-01
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    J. Scheithe:
    "Klassifikation von Umgebungen mittels Zeitreihen von Sensordaten für eine Mikroprozessorgesteuerte Knieprothese";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2019; final examination: 03-14-2019.

  38. Author: Maximilian Schlegel
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Schlegel:
    "Untersuchung des Einflusses von LED-Belichtungssystemen auf die Entwicklung sekundärer Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2016; final examination: 11-18-2016.

  39. Author: Maximilian Schnetzinger
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    M. Schnetzinger:
    "Herzratenvariabilität bei mechanischer druckunterstützter Beatmung";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2019; final examination: 01-24-2019.

  40. Author: Christian Schwanzer
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    C. Schwanzer:
    "Pulse Wave Propagation in the Diabetic Foot - Evaluation of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a New Treatment Option";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2015; final examination: 10-08-2015.

  41. Author: Sebastian Schwarzenberger
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    S. Schwarzenberger:
    "Pulse Wave Decomposition and Analysis in Diabetic Patients using Gaussian Peak Fitting";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch; E354, 2015; final examination: 10-08-2015.

  42. Author: Richard-Reinhold Sedlak, E363
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    R.-R. Sedlak:
    "Magnetoelastischer Sensor zur Registrierung von Augenbewegungen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institut für Grundlagen und Theorie der Elektrotechnik, 2004.

  43. Author: Carsten Stastny
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    C. Stastny:
    "Sleepstageing with heart rate variability";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2013; final examination: 11-20-2013.

  44. Author: Dominic Steffel
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    D. Steffel:
    "Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Skin Cancer";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2013; final examination: 01-30-2013.

  45. Author: Ngadhnjim Sutaj
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    N. Sutaj:
    "Echtzeit Bild-Ranking basierend auf dem Ereigniskorrelierten Potential P300 mittels EEG";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2020; final examination: 06-18-2020.

  46. Author: Florian Thürk, E363
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    F. Thürk:
    "A strategic approach for data processing and structural management in physiological studies.";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2015; final examination: 03-12-2015.

  47. Author: Stefan Traxler, E363
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Traxler:
    "Kontaktloses Signalerfassung an magnetoelastischen Biegesensoren mittels Oberwellenmessung";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institut für Elektrische Mess- und Schaltungstechnik, 2008; final examination: 06-13-2008.

  48. Author: Michael Tschiedel
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Tschiedel:
    "Untersuchung von Piezomotoren zur Ventilsteuerung bei Prothesen der unteren Extremität";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; E354, 2018; final examination: 04-25-2018.

  49. Author: Thomas Unterholzner
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Philipp J. Thurner, E317-02

    T. Unterholzner:
    "Design und Umsetzung eines Test-Aufbaus zur in-vivo Kraftmessung an Flexorsehnen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, P.J. Thurner; E354, 2021; final examination: 06-17-2021.

  50. Author: Johannes Weber
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Bernhard Hametner, E101-03; Christopher Mayer, E101-03

    J. Weber:
    "Analysis of 24h Mobil-O-Graph pulse wave analysis measurements in a normative population cohort";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, B. Hametner, C. Mayer; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2016; final examination: 10-07-2016.

  51. Author: Manfred Westreicher, E363
    Other person involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    M. Westreicher:
    "Analysis and visualization of EMG signals to control a new generation of myoprostheses";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas; Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, 2009; final examination: 10-08-2009.

  52. Author: Klaus Zeiner
    Other persons involved: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; Florian Thürk, E363

    K. Zeiner:
    "Herzratenvariabilitäts-basierte Risikoklassifikation von Patienten während allgemeinchirurgischen Eingriffen";
    Supervisor: E. Kaniusas, F. Thürk; E354, 2018; final examination: 04-25-2018.

Scientific Reports

  1. Authors: Rene Hirtl; Gernot Schmid; R. Überbacher; Mauro David; Stefan Kampusch, E363; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    R. Hirtl, G. Schmid, R. Überbacher, M. David, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas:
    "Bewertung von stark lokalisierten Magnetfeldexpositionen der Hände am Arbeitsplatz";
    Report for Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt; Report No. 80, 2019; 124 pages.

  2. Authors: Stefan Kampusch, E363; E Unger; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Karin Whitmore, E057-02; J.Constantin Szeles; M. Pohl; Gerhard Stehlik; Andreas Birsak; Sarah Lechner; Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363

    S. Kampusch, E Unger, J. Bernardi, K. Whitmore, J. Szeles, M. Pohl, G. Stehlik, A. Birsak, S. Lechner, E. Kaniusas:
    "Untersuchung der Degradation von Nadelelektroden Ti/Au";
    Report for Technische Universität Wien, Österreich; 2017.

  3. Authors: Eugenijus Kaniusas, E363; M. Reiter; Stefan Kampusch, E363

    E. Kaniusas, M. Reiter, S. Kampusch:
    "Klinische Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Mundstücken zur Atemregulierung";
    Report for Technische Universität Wien, Österreich; 2013.